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Your furnace is one of the most important appliances in your home. It keeps you warm throughout the winter, but it also helps maintain a comfortable temperature.

That's why it's so important to do regular furnace maintenance. We’ll provide you with a comprehensive checklist of everything that needs to be done during furnace maintenance, answer some of your most pressing questions, and when you need to call in HVAC repair and installation professionals!

What is furnace maintenance, and is it necessary?

Many people ask: do furnaces need maintenance? The answer is a resounding yes! Like any other appliance in your home, your furnace needs to be regularly maintained to function properly.

Generally, furnace maintenance is inspecting, cleaning, and servicing your furnace to keep it running efficiently and safely.

A trained professional will identify any potential problems and make necessary repairs during this process. Check out what you can expect from HVAC repair services to know more.  However, you can do a few things to maintain your furnace yourself.

The comprehensive checklist: What is involved in furnace maintenance?


If you're thinking of doing your furnace maintenance, there are a few crucial things you need to check out. Here's a helpful checklist of everything that needs to be done:

1. Inspect the furnace for any visible damage or wear and tear.

Let's start the checklist with a visual inspection. You'll want to look for any damage or wear and tear on your furnace. Check for anything that looks out of the ordinary, like cracks, leaks, or corrosion.

If the damage is severe, it could be a safety hazard. It's also important to inspect the area around your furnace for any potential hazards. Call a professional if you have any concerns.

This also includes ensuring no flammable material near the furnace and checking for any gas leaks. Leave the area immediately and call your gas company if you smell gas.

2. Clean the furnace.

The next step on the checklist is to clean your furnace. This involves removing any dirt, dust, or debris from the furnace and its surrounding area.

You'll want to start by vacuuming around the furnace, then using a soft cloth to wipe down the unit's exterior. Avoid using harsh chemicals or cleaners, as they could damage the furnace.

Don't forget to clean the air filters. Clogged air filters can reduce the efficiency of your furnace and cause it to overwork. Replace the air filters if they're dirty. 

You should also clean the exhaust vents. These can get clogged with lint, which can be a fire hazard. Read tips for cleaning your HVAC system for some valuable cleaning hacks!

3. Check all the electrical connections and make sure they're tight.

Once you've inspected and cleaned the furnace, it's time to check the electrical connections. Make sure all the wires are tight and secure.

You'll also want to check the electrical panel to see if there are any loose connections. If you find any, call an electrician to fix them. If everything looks good, you can move on to the next step.

4. Inspect for leaks.

Watch carefully for any leaks while the furnace is running. Check all the seals and gaskets to make sure they're tight. These often become loose over time and can cause leaks.

If you find any, tighten them up or replace them if they're damaged. You should also check the flue pipe for any leaks. These are especially dangerous because they allow deadly carbon monoxide to enter your home.

Don't wait to call a professional if you find any leaks. They can help you fix the problem and prevent any further damage.

5. Clean the burners and igniters.

While you have the furnace open, take the opportunity to clean the burners and igniters. These can get clogged with dirt and debris, preventing the furnace from igniting.

Use a soft brush to clean the burners and igniters. You can also use a vacuum to remove all the dirt you can find. If they're severely clogged, you probably need to replace them altogether.

6. Inspect the blower belt for cracks or fraying.

Don't forget to check the blower belt as you inspect the furnace. Over time, the belt can start to crack or fray. If it's damaged, it needs to be replaced ASAP. A professional can help you with this.

7. Check the air filter.

How can a furnace work properly if the air filter is dirty? Since furnaces can vary, consult your owner's manual on how often to change the air filter. As a general rule of thumb, it's good to check it monthly and replace it every three months.

If you have any pets or live in a dusty area, you may need to replace the air filter more often. A clogged air filter can reduce the efficiency of your furnace and cause it to overwork.

Cleaning or changing the air filter is a simple task that you can do yourself. Just make sure you know what type of air filter you need before buying one.

8. Check the ductwork.

The ductwork might have a problem if the furnace is running but not circulating air properly. Check all the vents to make sure they're open.

It would help if you also looked for any holes or leaks in the ductwork. These can cause heat to escape and make your furnace work harder than it needs to. If you find any leaks, you'll need to call a professional to fix them.

9. Lubricate all moving parts with oil.

Lubricating is an important step in furnace maintenance because it helps the furnace run smoothly and prevents parts from wearing down as you use it.

Lubricate all the moving parts with oil, such as the blower motor, blower wheel, and bearings. You can find lubricating oil at any hardware store. Make sure to buy the right type of oil for your furnace.

Once you're done, your furnace should be good to go for the winter! Plus, it's always better to be safe than sorry when it comes to your home's heating.

Why is furnace maintenance important?

There are many reasons why furnace maintenance is so important. Regular maintenance can help to

Furnace maintenance is important for several reasons. First, it helps to ensure that your furnace is running efficiently. This can save you money on your energy bill and extend the lifespan of your furnace.

Additionally, regular maintenance can help to prevent costly repairs in the future. Finally, furnace maintenance is important for safety reasons. A well-maintained furnace is less likely to have any safety issues that could put your family at risk.

How often should you do furnace maintenance?

Furnace maintenance should be done at least once a year, preferably in the fall, before you need to use your furnace regularly. However, if you have a newer furnace, you may not need to do maintenance as often.

Consult your owner's manual or call a professional to determine how often you should do furnace maintenance on your particular model.

Final Thoughts

Furnace maintenance is important and shouldn't be ignored. By following this checklist, you can ensure your furnace runs properly and efficiently. You might even save yourself some money in the long run!

If you have any questions about furnace maintenance or need help with a repair, don't hesitate to call the experts at HVAC Installation Baton Rouge. They can help you keep your furnace in good working condition for years to come!




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