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A hidden part of the Internet! – The Dark Web. 

People use numerous websites for different purposes in this digital world. The Internet is a wealth of information, and it can be said that most of us spend frequent time on the Internet.

Businesses often rely on the Internet (or a portion of it) to run their companies successfully, with many being unaware of the inherent hazards and risks. One “small” overlooked threat that businesses need to be aware of is the “dark web,” a hidden and invisible part of the Internet that has become a breeding ground for cybercriminals.


Have you ever considered hiring an external technology provider that is qualified to handle some or all of your IT needs? Outsourcing the managed IT services with a professional company can help keep your company data safe and secure.

What is the dark web?

The dark web is an element of the Internet that typical search engines cannot index. In order to view websites on the Dark Web, a user must use a special browser called Tor that will encrypt and route internet traffic through multiple nodes across the globe in order to hide their identity.

The dark web is a major platform for criminal activity and transactions. However, not all activity on the dark web is illegal. Nonetheless, it has become a safe haven for dangerous behavior because of its lack of transparency.

Data theft, including financial information, identifying information, and account information, is one of the most prevalent illicit enterprises on the dark web. This sort of criminal activity puts millions of people and organizations worldwide at risk every year.

No one is immune to the Dark Web's Risks

The Dark Web presents significant risks for small businesses, especially those with minimal IT security resources. Because the Dark Web does not show up in search engine results, it can be difficult or impossible to monitor by people who are not technologically inclined.

Therefore, it is easy for cybercriminals to exploit small business owners without their knowledge.

6 Ways Managed IT Services Help you protect from The Dark Web

Managed IT services provide a way for small business owners to protect themselves from the Dark Web without investing significant time and money into learning how to do so. 

There are six ways within the managed services that business owners can benefit from.

1. Security Updates

An MSP's website often has a security updates section that provides information regarding the most recent attacks and mitigation efforts. In addition, the IT services provider can also provide updates to your security software, giving you the latest protection against these threats.

2. 24/7 Monitoring & Security

A Managed IT services provider can track your network 24 hours a day, 365 days a year, to make sure that your systems are running safely and securely. Updates and alerts can be sent to your devices to help you respond quickly. It ensures that you never have to panic about potential data security issues.

3. Help Desk Support

Managed IT services providers are more than just network monitoring companies. In addition to these services, they can provide helpful support for your web applications and other mission-critical equipment.

Their expertise means that they can answer any questions you might have on best practices for IT and offer recommendations to help make your business safer.

4. Backups & Disaster Recovery

Managed IT services providers have the experience, expertise, and resources to create a disaster recovery plan for your business.

This ensures that when critical data is lost or compromised, it can be recovered quickly and easily. In addition, backed-up data can be used to restore your business more 

quickly so that you are back up and running prior you knowing it.

5. Enterprise-Grade Antivirus Protection

A Managed IT services provider will invest in quality security software to protect your devices. This software will be on-site for your employees to use.

You can rely on your Managed IT Services Provider's investment in enterprise-grade software rather than purchasing your security software.

6. Web Security

Many business holders do not recognize that they will be vulnerable to internet attacks even if their computer systems and software are secure. For example, the average employee uses up to ten connected devices while at work. These devices can be exposed to threats, putting your business at risk.

To avoid this vulnerability, you should contact a Managed IT Services Provider to create a web security plan that keeps your business safe.

Learn more: Tips to overcome challenges faced by small business owners.

In Conclusion

While small business owners are vulnerable to the dangers of the Dark Web, they can take steps to protect themselves.

Managed IT services provide a secure environment that is easy to manage and offers many benefits. Small business owners should speak with their IT provider to find out how they can help you stay safe from cybercriminals lurking on the dark web. They will help you to protect against and even recover from potential cyber-attacks.

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