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Qi Wangjing was known throughout the court as a slippery man who loved mud. The reason why he was favored by Heaven and the Emperor was that he flattered and talked about superstition. But many of his political opponents feared him like a tiger. When the energetic little old man smiled, they could not help but retreat. This shows that the old man Qi is not as easy to talk as he showed, even vindictive, vicious means. If the case of Zuoqi Village has not been solved, the possibility of Mr. Qi doing it himself is particularly great. This should be his biggest secret. Wen sin also hope that this is the biggest secret of the old man Qi, because even if the heart of this revenge story out, in the love is greater than the law at the moment, the old man Qi perhaps, not only will not be criticized, but will be praised a bloody, endure hardships for more than ten years, only for the whole village revenge or something. Anyone who can sing and cry can arrange a big play. However, the guilty hand, dead buckled on the name of Su Lin. Whether it was Su Lin's appearance or what he did, it was too coincidental, as if he was deliberately guiding Zhou's commander step by step to find out what they wanted him to find out. His intuition told him that he should still care about the name of Yan Ergou. When everything was ready on the other side of Wen Sin, Qi Yifei knew that the funeral in Wen Sin's mouth was not for Heaven and Emperor, but for. Zhang Zhen's. Qi Yifei:?? You asked the cabinet to help you with the funeral of the son of a criminal official who had no fame? “Then what do you think I asked them to do for me?” Smell sin also very surprised, “my father's funeral?”? Do you need to go to so much trouble and fight so much? Had it not been for the fear of being too ugly and being used by interested people,14 needle valve, they would have thought of a straw mat and wrapped it up for the funeral. Open the imperial mausoleum that has been repaired for a long time and throw it in. Qi Yifei could not refute this. Qi old man and Fu Li received the order, the heart is also like a dog, but still do their best to do the funeral out. Fu Li's feelings are the most complicated one. Although he and Zhang Zhen are both good friends of Qi Yifei, they look down on each other very much. One dislikes each other as a playboy, while the other feels that this kind of other people's children are really annoying. The “friendship” between them can only be reflected in front of Qi Yifei. But probably neither of them thought that there would be such a day when Fu Li would hold a funeral for Zhang Zhen. Fu Li really deserves to be an old friend who doesn't play against Zhang Zhen. After he took over, the first thing he did was to withdraw the troupe. Even if he knew that the troupe was invited by Qi Yifei to Zhang Zhen, he insisted,brass tube fitting, because he didn't believe that the dead could hear the play at all, and felt that he could no longer let Qi Yifei go crazy. The high-sounding reason given by Fu Li is also very sufficient: Zhang Zhen is now being remotely released by the masters of Baoen Temple. He is beating gongs and drums in his ears. What if he disturbs the purity of the spell? Fortunately, Zhang Zhen was no longer in the imperial edict prison. He was listening to the morning bell and evening drum at the foot of the Buddha in Baoen Temple. If Zhang Zhenzai saw Fu Li destroying his entertainment so much, he would probably be so angry that he would become the spirit behind Fu Li. Qi Yifei also has no opinion, this matter is really he forgot, the troupe is invited to Zhang Zhen, but Zhang Zhen is no longer in the imperial edict prison, that is really singing to the air. Before Zhang Zhen's funeral, Wen offered to Qi Yifei whether he should accompany him out of the palace to see Zhang Zhen. Can I leave the palace? Qi Yifei was pleasantly surprised. Of course you can leave the palace. I'm protecting you, not taking you to prison. Wen sin is very helpless, raised his hand to hold Qi Yifei's hand, but instead was dodged, he was slightly surprised, opened his eyes, 38 needle valve ,hydraulic fitting manufacturer, a few days ago did not particularly want to be next to me, how now it is. Wen sin eyes a turn, want to understand Qi Yifei all kinds of strange to avoid suspicion. Smile deepened, immediately decided to turn back to Grandfather Ding to see and appreciate, too good at drawing inferences about other cases from one instance! Qi Yifei saw because he dodged, Wen sin suddenly silent, looks a little pitiful, Qi Yifei panicked. He quickly put his hand back again, and he was really instinctive. Even if he stopped those strange scripts, he still dreamed of being guilty. To be precise, Qi Yifei even took a nap and went back to sleep, and he loved to be guilty in his dreams. The color gas is full, the demon is not explicit, picks up his chin, crudely pressed him to the wall, unfolded each kind. It's hard to describe. Stop and stop, Qi Yifei no longer dare to think deeply, just try to ignore the hand held by Wen sin, happy to talk about the upcoming trip out of the palace. He said that he did not want to go to the imperial prison where his friend's body was, but to go to Baoen Temple. Smell guilty indissoluble: “Why?” Qi Yifei really can't give any good reason, so he can only act shamelessly: “I think Po's soul is here.” Wen sin looked at more and more superstitious Qi Yifei, some headache, secretly hold the forehead, feel that Fu Li is right, can no longer indulge Qi Yifei to constantly fall into this kind of thing. For example, send the old man Fang Zhu away early! Although Qi Yifei promised to send Fang Zhu the old man, but later a series of things happened, he failed to free up his hands to send Fang Zhu the old man back to the mountains and forests. Fang Zhu old man is also not anxious, should be already calculated, especially have a well-thought-out plan. In fact, as he calculated, in the end, it was the guilty man himself who sent him away safely. Before he left, he left a letter to Qi Yifei, but it was confiscated and not shown to Qi Yifei. Wen Sin really doesn't want Qi Yifei to engage in this kind of feudal superstition any more. Wen sin also did not hide Qi Yifei, obviously said to him: “Fang Zhu old man left you a thank-you letter, I will not give you.” “Why?” Qi Yifei was not angry, but curious. Because he's not a good thing! Wen sin naturally will not say that Qi Yifei superstition is not good, Qi Yifei to do anything is good, so he chose to attack others. Qi Yifei knows the heart knot of Wen sin, then considerate did not ask again, do not look at it, just a thank-you letter. On the day before Zhang Zhen's funeral,tube fitting manufacturer, Qi Yifei and Wen Sin drove together to the Baoen Temple in the suburbs of Beijing. In front of the mountain gate, Qi Yifei met Zhang Zhen, who was already waiting there. I haven't seen her for a long time. The pearl white on Zhang Zhen's body has faded a lot. It looks like she is going to be reincarnated at any time. chinaroke.com

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