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The design of a Linux web hosting platform is known to be rather airtight. Very few system infections, such as viruses and Trojans have been reported by users. In cases where this has occurred, the following factors played a part:

  • The open-source platform is easily accessible to web developers; even those with malicious intent
  • The modular makeup of Linux
  • Linux web servers are susceptible to unknown administrative figures and vendors

The history of Linux is not one known to be a single user system. The design came a long way in attempt to regulate users from certain files and directories that would have an effect on the operating system as a whole. Individual users are given a directory in which all of their data is stored. When an application is called upon, that user is typically granted permission with restrictions attached. This means that action can take place on the user’s personal directory. Access to remote system files or another user’s directory requires administrative authority and agreement. 

The Linux design also has other capabilities, such as commanding file images in JPEG to act as modular libraries. This causes the images to adapt restrictions that limit the power of web intruders. If flaws happen to exist in the JPEG file, a hacker will only be to gain the minimal access that is permitted to the user, reducing the damage they are able to cause. 

The intended modular makeup of Linux web hosting makes it almost impossible to transmit viruses through email. Regardless of how ineffective and insecure the email client may be, the hacker will only have the power to cripple the user’s personal files on the server opposed to entire operating system. 

Since Linux does not support risky web objects such as the Microsoft Active X control, complications with web pages are less likely to occur. Even if Active X was an issue, a hacker would still only be able to tamper with the user’s personal files.

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