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The Economist Digital is different from a general newspaper and this is a print medium, which brings out a weekly edition. Hence, it may not be the ideal print medium to read if you are eager for some current news updates during the busy week. However, this is a print medium, which can bring in breaking news in the most detailed manner. It focuses on plenty of areas ranging from current affairs, business and even offers detailed updates on global political developments. It is on a leisurely weekend when there is not much to do, one can sit over a copy of this print medium and stay engaged. In fact plenty of news readers across the world find The Economist Digital a perfect companion on holidays and weekends.

The detailed news coverage is the greatest asset:

It offers in depth coverage of breaking news and this factor has been able to kill any competition. We would precisely like to draw focus towards the business section of this print medium. It can offer the best insights into business and financial information. Are you into any form of stock investing? You will need to make informed investments in the quest to emerge a winner. We would like to say that the business section of this print medium will offer the best guide in this regard. There is also a sports section and here you get the best updates from the games field.

What more can you expect?

The Economist Digital is a complete newspaper from every aspect and readers have loved it for long. You may have been a loyal reader of this weekly print medium for long and lately we would like to say that there are rewards to pick up. The big announcement we would like to make is that in keeping with the prevailing trend in the US print media market, there is also scope to purchase subscription coupons for this weekly newspaper. The news feed could not have been better because this is a format, which offers cash discounts for news readers. The Economist Digital subscription price is a lot lower than the price, which you pay at the stands. Let me now offer updates on the subscription format of news reading.

A look at the concept of subscription coupons:

The normal process is that you visit the stands and pick up a newspaper copy after paying the price. One may also arrange for home delivery through the vendor and here the billing system is application after certain periods. However, the subscription coupon format creates a disruption because you will have to pay the money in advance. Since, you are making an advance payment; it is natural that there are cash discounts to gain in the process. As a regular reader of this weekly newspaper, you will be eager to shift to the subscription coupon arrangement. There could be some bit of confusion because you are located in the United States and the source of this print medium is London. You surely will not want to apply for a subscription coupon this long distance. You need not have to because there are plenty of agencies locally and via them one can apply for subscription coupons of The Economist Digital. One can continue the association with this print medium but under the subscription coupon format and benefit from cash discounts.

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