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The first pillar of Islam is Shahadah and to classify as a Muslim we have to believe in the following: “(There is) none worthy of worship except Allah. (and) Muhammad (ﷺ) is Messenger of Allah.” and the same thing is said by Allah about himself in Surah Fatihah in the following words:

“اياك نعبد واياك نستعين”

Which means:

“You alone may we worship, and from you alone may we seek help”

This verse denotes that we worship Allah and he is the only one whom we ask for help; which further means that he is the one who fulfills our needs and wants. In Surah Ar Rahman Allah boasts about all the blessings and favors that he has bestowed upon us among various other Surahs in the Holy Koran Karim. Allah has made it abundantly clear that that from the greatest of the luxuries to the most fundamental thing, that is, life, everything is nothing more than a blessing and a favor from Allah.

The Extent Of Allah’s Favors And Blessings:

Allah's blessings are uncountable; every action you may see in this world is Allah's doing; all of them are a blessing or favor on yourself directly or indirectly. Every blessing that you receive, you will be held accountable for that in the Afterlife, for example, being a Doctor is a huge blessing from Allah, but it also holds a lot of responsibility, having been blessed with extravagant riches you'll also be held accountable for how you used that money and why. The Holy Quran is a favor and blessing on us by Allah, in the last verse of Surah Al Fatihah, Allah says:

“صِرَاطَ الَّذِينَ أَنْعَمْتَ عَلَيْهِمْ غَيْرِ الْمَغْضُوبِ عَلَيْهِمْ وَلَا الضَّالِّينَ”

Which means:

“The path of those upon whom You have bestowed favor, not of those who were subjected to [Your] wrath or of those who are astray.”

This means that the guidance on the righteous path is also one of the favors from Allah, and us being Muslims and/or striving to attain Allah's rewards is also his favor and a blessing. Allah has also done a favor upon us by bestowing the Holy Quran on us, which in itself is a manual to be on the righteous path and not deviate from it. Hence, you can see that everything from birth to death (and even after death) is a blessing from Allah if you see properly.

Allah’s Blessings and favors in this world:

We, Humans, start receiving Allah’s blessings from the instance we are created inside our mother's womb; in fact, our development inside the womb itself is a blessing, the warmth, the protection, and the nutrition that we receive while being extremely fragile is Allah's blessing and favor to us. After an appropriate time for development, we are delivered into this world. Allah Questions:

“Did We not made for him two eyes? And a tongue and two lips?” [90:8-9]

Thus, Allah's blessings are all around us; we only need to have an open eye.

Allah’s Blessings And Favors Beyond This World:

You might be thinking that Allah's favors are limited to the Earth and your needs and want. But one of the biggest favors that we forget to count is the one decided for us way before we were even born; the gift of being born into the world as a Muslim. The blessings and favors are uncountable, but the one blessing that you should always remember – and try to avail it as often as possible – is the Holy Quran and Allah's guidance on the righteous path. Allah also tells in Surah Ar Rahman how he would bless the righteous by sending him to heaven and how punishment awaits those who rejected Allah's blessings and took Allah's favors for granted.

We should always thank Allah for every single blessing and favor that we notice. Hence, we should thank Allah all the time by worshipping him and sharing the fruits of the blessings in the form of preaching and sharing. Otherwise, Allah might take his blessings away from us. The Holy Quran states:
“If you are grateful, I will give you more.” (Surah Ibraheem, 14:7)