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East Cheshire and Mid Cheshire NHS Trusts have selected MEDITECH Expanse to build, deliver, and support their new digital clinical system. eOutcomes enables staff to easily record appointment outcomes, instantly updating the hospital’s PAS.

Ged brings a wide range of experience and an excellent track record in driving change agendas and delivering improvements for colleagues and the public. He has led numerous strategic and transformational projects in both the NHS and fire service.

Financial Planning and Analysis

A dedicated financial planning and analysis (FP&A) team can be instrumental in the success of your business. This is because it can help you make more informed business decisions and plan for future unknowns. However, with so many FP&A software solutions on the market, it can be difficult to choose the right one for your company.

FP&A is the process of analyzing internal and external data to make strategic decisions that affect the company’s financial health and performance. This includes creating models, forecasts, and budgets. It also includes reporting on the results of those decisions. A top FP&A team uses data visualization tools to help businesses create better financial plans and reports.

The FP&A team will use all of the data collected by the organization and its various departments to analyze and forecast its financial status. The team will then use these insights to inform long-term financial planning and strategic decision-making. It will also monitor the company’s cash flow to ensure it has enough funds to meet short-term obligations and achieve its long-term goals.

This enables the Trust to realise efficiency gains and improve patient outcomes by providing a more tailored service. Patients using the Macclesfield District General Hospital outpatient department can now check-in using a digital kiosk before being directed to their appropriate waiting room. They can then track their progress through their appointment by viewing wall-mounted screens in each clinic, letting them know if they are on time or running late and when they will be called to see their clinician. bayanipay

The FP&A team will also prepare ad hoc reports for operational and financial senior managers on a regular basis. These reports will be used to analyse trends in cost, performance, and cash. They will also be used to support decisions around the allocation of resources, ensuring that all available options have been considered. In addition, the FP&A team will assist with the completion of the monthly reporting cycle, ensuring an accurate reported position for all directorates. They will also provide support in the administration of provisions, accruals, and prepayments registers.

Budgeting and Forecasting

A small business needs to plan for the future and forecast its financial performance. This includes calculating how much money it will earn in the coming year and what expenses it will have to pay for. This information is necessary for a business to secure loans from banks or other lenders. This process also allows businesses to prepare for large purchases that may require financing.

The NHS is currently facing a major challenge as demand for its services increases while it tries to cut costs. This has resulted in a number of NHS trusts predicting deficits by the end of this year. This is due to slashed income and a reduction in bailouts from the government. The NHS is attempting to make savings in its operating budget while also trying to find new ways of providing its services to patients.

In order to do this, it is essential to understand what is happening in the healthcare market and what changes need to be made. For example, a recent report found that the number of patients in hospital beds has declined significantly since 2008. This is because more people are being treated at home and is saving the NHS a significant amount of money. This trend is expected to continue for the foreseeable future.

One of the challenges faced by the NHS is the rising cost of treatment. It is therefore important to find ways of reducing costs and improving efficiency. In addition, the NHS must focus on preventative care in order to reduce the need for costly medical treatments in the future.

Creating a digital patient flow pathway at Macclesfield Hospital has helped the Trust to achieve these goals. Patients now check in using a digital kiosk and are then directed to the appropriate clinic waiting room. From here, staff can call patients through to see clinicians on wall-mounted screens. The new system has also improved clinic room and resource utilisation by allowing staff to see if an appointment is on time or running late.

The trust has also implemented a number of energy-saving projects at its hospitals. These include re-roofing 60% of Macclesfield Hospital to make it more energy efficient and decarbonising the buildings. It has also secured a PS7m grant from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to help fund these projects. The funding will allow the Trust to make further investments in its green agenda, including re-roofing more of its buildings.

Cash Management

The Finance Department at East Cheshire NHS Trust handles a wide range of functions, from managing income and contracts to supporting budget holders control costs and implement improvements. The department also provides information for board reports, service line performance updates, and statutory returns to the Department of Health. In addition, it oversees the trust’s bank accounts and financial services.

The trust’s main offices are located in Macclesfield, North West England. The area has great public transport services, with buses and trains operating throughout the region. It is also a relatively affordable place to live, with the cost of living much lower than in many other parts of the UK.

East Cheshire NHS Trust has launched a new digital patient flow pathway at Macclesfield Hospital. The initiative aims to help the trust achieve efficiency gains while improving patient experience. Patients will be able to check in for their appointment using a kiosk before being directed into the appropriate waiting room. They will then be able to watch their progress on wall-mounted screens, which will display if they are running late or on time.

In addition, the trust has recently completed a PS900,000 project to improve its Outpatients Department at Macclesfield Hospital. This involved installing a new children’s playroom and four new clinic rooms. The project also aimed to make the facility more energy efficient, with a new roof and improved insulation. The work was partly funded by a grant from the Department for Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy and by a partnership with Centrica.

The Trust’s finance team consists of about 40 members of staff, who are responsible for financial planning and analysis. The department manages a portfolio of around £160 million, which includes the organisation’s income streams and budgets. It also supports the board in setting strategic direction. It works closely with other departments to ensure the trust is delivering on its commitments to patients.

Ged Murphy has extensive leadership and management experience in local government, the NHS, and public sector subsidiary companies. He has a proven track record of implementing change agendas and delivering improvements for the communities he serves. He has led a large-scale collaborative at local government level and a transformational programme in the fire service.

Financial Reporting

Whether it’s for a public company or an individual business, financial reporting is an essential part of the decision-making process. It provides important information to investors, creditors and other stakeholders with a vested interest in the company’s performance. It reveals the true state of a company’s assets, liabilities and cash flow over a specific period of time. By using these reports, companies can identify key issues that may be affecting their profitability. It can also help them make more informed strategic decisions that will lead to growth and success.

Procurement is the department responsible for all influenceable non-pay expenditure and is driven by the Trust’s VFM (Value for Money) principles. The team is required to seek maximum benefit from its spend by delivering a balance of economy, efficiency and effectiveness, known as the ‘3E’s. The procurement function is supported by the Corporate division & Finance and also operates an open book policy ensuring that all expenditure is transparent, fair and reasonable.

East Cheshire NHS Trust has been awarded a PS7m grant from the Department of Business, Energy and Industrial Strategy to fund decarbonisation and energy projects at Macclesfield Hospital. The funding, along with money from Centrica, will enable the Trust to re-roof 60% of Macclesfield Hospital and transform it into a more energy efficient building.

As part of its commitment to improving patient care, East Cheshire NHS Trust has invested in new solutions that will allow staff to access the right data when they need it. These include a digital patient booking system that improves clinic room and resource utilisation by giving staff real-time visibility. It also allows them to record appointments outcomes and re-book patients more efficiently.

This is in addition to a new electronic patient record system that has been implemented with the support of Meditech and will be fully live in 2024. The system, titled C365Cloud, will be rolled out to all staff across the Trust and will provide greater flexibility by allowing them to prioritise work in line with risk whilst enabling them to track progress against their KPIs.

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