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Nearly a third of online customer reviews are deemed fake. Retail sites are clogged with obviously fake reviews that do nothing but pad numbers. Meanwhile, the Federal Trade Commission is stepping up its efforts to combat fake reviews and misleading advertising. Since nearly all consumers read reviews before they purchase a product, you need to find product review services that can help you cultivate authentic reviews. Here’s everything you need to know about prioritizing authenticity.

The Fake Review Epidemic

The vast majority of consumers have seen fake reviews in the past year. Couple that with the fact that a third of consumers have returned items or did not purchase an item when they suspected a fake review, and you’ve got a challenge for brands. Bots that create fake reviews aren’t a new development, but getting a fake review for your product is easier than ever. The problem is that it isn’t real and doesn’t add any information. It lacks authenticity and credibility, two important factors for building trust.

Eroding Customer Trust

The major problem with fake reviews is that they erode customer trust. More customers believe reviews they read are sometimes or often fake. As mentioned, this can lead to more returns or decisions not to purchase an item. AI can even create real-sounding reviews en masse, all to artificially inflate a product’s ratings or even harm competitors.

One of the best ways to show a review is authentic is by partnering with a product education platform with the capabilities of a video creative agency to create a review with the help of an industry expert. It’s much harder to fake expert testimony from someone who already knows your product well and can provide a qualified opinion.

The FTC’s Proposed Rule

So, what is the FTC doing about it? The proposed “Rule on the Use of Consumer Reviews and Testimonials” carries fines of up to $50,120 per violation for businesses and individuals. Those violations include selling or obtaining fake consumer reviews and testimonials, review hijacking that repurposes a consumer’s review for another product, buying reviews, insider reviews where relationships are not clearly disclosed, company-controlled review sites, illegal review suppression, and selling fake social media indicators. In essence, it’s a far-reaching effort to stem this widespread issue.

What You Can Do

The easiest way to avoid losing customer trust and adhering to the FTC’s rules is to only supplement your marketing strategy with real reviews. When you partner with explainer video companies that have the capabilities of a product education platform, you can connect with industry experts who make this easy. They actually know and use your products, so their testimony can help you connect with potential customers and create trust. It’s a simple yet effective way to add authenticity to your explainer content.

You can also encourage genuine customer reviews while seeking 3rd-party validated, honest reviews. Collaborate with review platforms to remove fake reviews about your products. Overall, embrace transparency and ensure that your brand’s relationship with endorsers and reviewers is always disclosed. All of this fosters trust while building a loyal customer base.

About The Desire Company

Honest reviews are more important than ever in the digital age, and consumers are always searching for brands they can trust. But earning their trust is tricky, especially when many consumers no longer trust influencer promotions. The Desire Company aims to help brands enhance their product education efforts and build trust with honest advice and unscripted truth from industry experts. They’re so much more than a simple creative agency or video production company. The Desire Company is a complete product education solution that combines content strategy, expert vetting, matching with their vast Pro Community, video embed technology, and media distribution. With authentic expert testimony, your brand can establish credibility and help your customers stay informed, not influenced.

Gain customer trust with help from The Desire Company at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/46JJae5

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