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According to McKinsey, nearly a third of the total female workforce has working mothers, and the number grows steadily every year. While it's already difficult for women to make a mark in the male-dominated workplace, the challenge grows manifold for working mothers. They're not only expected to excel at work and stay committed to it but also dedicate their time to caring for the family and the house.

Being a working mother is tough. It can quickly get very overwhelming as you feel that everyone around you is demanding something or the other from you. In these difficult circumstances, there may be times when you feel like you're failing at one or more aspects of your life. But trust me, there is no ounce of truth to this!

While things may not always go as planned, you're still doing more than most could, making you far better than others. Working mothers are not only inspiring; they're the reason why our society is evolving and improving every day. For this reason, it won't be an overstatement to say the success of working moms is the success of the whole society.

Are you a working mother or a mom who wants to return to work? Here's how you can make it work.

Work past the Mom Guilt

Do you feel guilty when prioritizing your work over your child? Do you get the nagging feeling that you're somehow neglecting your child? Are you constantly apologetic about working? Mom guilt is all about this, and it's more common than you think! Nearly all working mothers face it at some point in their lives, so always remember that you're not alone.

If you've identified that you're suffering from crippling mom guilt, give yourself some positive affirmations. Here are some things to remember when you're going through this problem:

  • Having a child doesn't mean your career has to take a backseat.
  • Your child will respect you for being successful in your career.
  • The quality of timeyou spend with your child matters more than the amount of time you spend with them.

Find an Inclusive Workplace

Many organizations have embraced inclusivity and created a conducive space for working mothers. This can reflect in a wide range of organizational policies, which include:

  • Daycare at work.
  • Flexible timings for mothers.
  • Work-from-home options.
  • Comprehensive leaves policy (including maternity leaveand added sabbaticals) for female employees.

If you want to resume your career after having a child, you should always search for inclusive organizations that provide proper benefits to employees.

Organize and Compartmentalize Your Life

One of the most difficult things that many working mothers struggle with is compartmentalizing the different aspects of their lives. For this reason, you should always look for ways to manage your time so that the different spheres of your life don't spill into each other.

You can do this by making a proper schedule for yourself every day and following it. Time management is very important when dealing with your work and family simultaneously. You should also consider maintaining to-do lists to organize your tasks and ensure that you successfully finish all of them.

Maintain Open Communication

As a working mother, you should always ensure open communication with all the important people involved, both at work and at home. This means that you should keep your partner in the loop for all the things that are going on at work and let them know how you're feeling. It'll help them be a better partner to you, and they'll know exactly what you expect of them.

On the other hand, make sure to let your boss know about your circumstances as well. An empathetic boss will always understand your problems and accommodate you accordingly.

Set Boundaries

Setting boundaries is very important to be a successful working mom. You should let your family as well as your colleagues know what is acceptable for you and what you simply can't compromise on.

This can be something as simple as phone calls on weekends. Are you okay with your boss calling you up on a Saturday when you're spending time with your family? If not, let them know that you will not be available on the phone over the weekend. Similarly, if you have to be home at a certain time, you should set the limit and communicate it with your colleagues.

Get Childcare Provider

As a working mother, remember that you don't have to do it alone. There are plenty of childcare providers available to help you. They can take good care of your child while you work. When looking for a childcare provider, you should have the following criteria in mind:

  • Contributes to the physical and mental growth of the child.
  • Ensures complete safety of the child.
  • Keeps parents in the loop about the child's problems.
  • In the vicinity of either one of the parent's workplaces.

Take Time for Yourself

You cannot do justice to your work or family if you don't find time to be kind to yourself. For this reason, always make sure to take timeouts when needed. You should also have dedicated time every day that's spent relaxing and prioritizing your own needs. Here are some things you can do when you take time for yourself:

  • Do a spa day.
  • Hang out with your friends.
  • Lie down comfortably and drink a calming beverage.
  • Draw a nice warm bath and have a glass of wine.

All of these things will help you maintain your sanity and peace of mind and allow you to function better. You should also learn to ask for help when needed and seek support from people in similar situations.

Get More Useful Tips from a Leading EntrepreneurshipMagazine

Check out Hustle Mama Magazine now and get useful tips and endless support on how to balance work with your personal life. It's a leading business concept magazine full of helpful tips for women entrepreneurs on ways to become successful in all spheres of life.

Over time, this magazine also developed a reputation for being one of the best working woman magazines online. It's curated for all the powerful women who want to get inspired to embark on their journey to success. It also provides extensive blogs on self-excellence, health, beauty, entertainment, and more.

Get in touch with the magazine team now and begin your journey to success, happiness, and wellness!



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