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In the last few decades, shopping malls have been hit by a wave of competition from online retailers. They've had to adapt their businesses to survive, which has led to a wave of innovation in how they operate.

Today's malls are no longer just places where people go shopping: they're full of entertainment options that keep shoppers coming back for more than just an hour or two on Saturday afternoon.

Here are some ways that shopping malls are innovating to keep up with this changing customer environment:

AI-powered robots will replace the role of security guards in malls.

AI-powered robots will replace the role of security guards in shopping malls.

AI robots can be used to keep the mall clean, patrol it for security purposes, assist customers to find items and information about products, and provide information on product prices and discounts. The robots also serve as guides through the mall so that shoppers don't get lost as they explore its many stores.

Some malls have already begun using robots to patrol their premises. The robot can be programmed to monitor specific areas, such as the parking lot, or roam around aimlessly.

The robot is equipped with a camera and other sensors that allow it to detect human beings nearby. If someone gets too close, then the robot will send an alert to security guards.

More efficient navigation and payment options will be available.

As more consumers move online, retail malls will also be able to offer services like banking and healthcare. And as the digital revolution continues, mall innovations will continue to be developed that maximize space efficiency while optimizing the customer experience.

For example, mobile payment options are expected to be increasingly popular shortly. This type of technology may allow customers to pay for items with their phones or even let them skip lines entirely by ordering at home and picking up their purchases at a designated time later in the day.

Similarly, many malls have already incorporated co-working spaces into their designs so that people can work while they shop.

These changes represent a shift toward experiential shopping rather than materialistic purchases; instead of buying things just because we want them (and not because we need them), we are buying experiences so we can enjoy our lives more fully now rather than waiting for retirement when we'll finally have time for leisure activities like reading books or going on vacation.

The mall as we know it may be dying out, but the concept behind it is not. As more and more people move away from traditional brick-and-mortar shopping centers and toward online shopping, malls will need to find ways to reinvent themselves to stay relevant.

In-store dining and entertainment will become more popular.

In-store dining and entertainment will become more popular.

Malls will begin offering a more social shopping experience by incorporating restaurants and entertainment options into their designs. In addition to offering dining choices, many malls are also adding movie theaters to draw in more customers, while some malls have even replaced food courts with kiosks and restaurants that offer delivery service. Some of these new changes include:

  • Food courts are being replaced by kiosks that allow shoppers to order food from their phones or online accounts, allowing them to save time while they shop and eat at the same time.
  • Many malls are now offering movie theaters as part of their design plans, which allows shoppers who might be bored with shopping alone an opportunity to enjoy themselves for a few hours (or just watch one last show before heading home).
  • Other types of entertainment options like arcades and bowling alleys can also be found within some larger shopping centers across many countries around the world today; however, most people still prefer going out for dinner instead of eating at home when possible because it gives them something else do besides just sitting around watching tv all night long!

The newest trend in mall design is the addition of more restaurants and food options to keep shoppers interested in their own shopping experience. Many malls are now offering movie theaters as part of their design plans, which allows shoppers who might be bored with shopping alone an opportunity to enjoy themselves for a few hours (or just watch one last show before heading home).

Other types of entertainment options like arcades and bowling alleys can also be found within some larger shopping centers across many countries around the world today; however, most people still prefer going out for dinner instead of eating at home when possible because it gives them something else do besides just sitting around watching tv all night long!

Malls will offer their e-commerce shopping platforms.

  • Malls such as Next galleria mall will offer their e-commerce shopping platforms, which are much more convenient for users than traditional online shopping sites.
  • Malls will no longer be just a place to shop, but a place to visit; they will serve as destinations where people can find all kinds of entertainment and food options.
  • Malls will become more like theme parks, with multiple attractions inside them (like museums or roller coasters). This means they'll be able to appeal to all age groups at once!
  • People love malls because they provide both entertainment and convenience—and we believe that this new model will offer even better opportunities in both arenas.

A new wave of mixed-use retail spaces will hit the market.

Mixed-use spaces will be a big trend in the retail industry this year, with many companies and malls looking to convert their empty malls into mixed-use spaces.

As you’ve probably noticed, many of today's traditional shopping centers are now virtually empty. This is because consumers have become more accustomed to shopping online, leaving many retailers with nothing but an empty store to sell overpriced products from. However, there is another way for malls to stay relevant: mixed-use space! In addition to providing shoppers with all the essentials they need (food and clothing), mixed-use spaces can also host events, festivals, and even other businesses like gyms or hotels. It's been proven that these types of developments attract more customers who want something new or different than what they'd get at a traditional mall!

A wave of innovation is coming to malls, which may help turn around their declining popularity.

The mall is a place to shop, eat and play. But today, malls are losing their popularity as consumers shift their spending habits online.

To stay relevant in this new world of e-commerce and internet-connected devices, malls need to follow the lead of Amazon by offering more than shopping.

Some malls including Next Galleria Mall, and Malakpet have started experimenting with different concepts: entertainment centers that host movies, music concerts, or VR experiences; food courts that offer delivery from local restaurants; even classrooms where you can learn coding or design apps for yourself (or your kids).

But these additions don't come without challenges: they typically require significant investment both in infrastructure and staffing—and they don't necessarily pay off immediately either.


Retail companies have been slow to catch on to the changing needs of consumers, but they’re starting to realize that they need to change their business models if they want to stay relevant.

Retailers are increasingly turning toward new technologies like AI and virtual reality, which will help them adapt quickly as new trends emerge in the years ahead.

Through our research, we have identified three main trends that will shape the future of malls: -Malls will become more experiential, with more entertainment options (like theme parks and concert venues) to attract customers.

-Malls will provide a platform for online shopping; they'll offer free Wi-Fi, easy payment systems, and even package delivery services.

-The way people shop will change drastically; instead of walking into a store and picking up what you need, you'll order everything online and have it delivered directly to your door (which is much more convenient).



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