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Imagine a place where you can connect with professionals and potential clients, opening doors to valuable business opportunities. That’s LinkedIn for you!

Choosing the right platform for marketing your business is as important as the marketing itself. The right platform allows you to connect with the right audience and save time and effort. 

If you haven’t tapped into LinkedIn for your marketing strategy, you’re missing out. LinkedIn is one of the largest social media platforms in the world with over 1 billion users in more than 200 countries across the globe. Don’t overlook this incredible tool that can save you time and effort while bringing in quality leads for your business.

Launch Year 2003
Parent Company Microsoft
Revenue Over 15 billion (Fiscal year 2023)
Total Users 1 Billion
Employees 18,500
Available in 28 languages
Offices  36
Available across 200 countries
Source: Linkedin
Linkedin has more than 1 billion members in 200 countries and region worldwide
LinkedIn has more than 1 billion members in 200 countries and regions worldwide

Why Marketers Are Gravitating Towards LinkedIn 

The significant growth of the serious and professional audience on the platform is one of the main reasons marketers have shifted their focus to this platform. LinkedIn is the second most popular platform among B2B marketers, just after Facebook.

With 190 million+ users, the US provides the largest group of LinkedIn advertising audience in the world. LinkedIn’s economic graph suggests that more than 200 million US workers have their profile on LinkedIn. After the United States, India is the second largest source of LinkedIn traffic with 99 million users. 

China with 59 million users stands in third place, United Kingdom is in the 5th place with 35 million users. 

Countries with the Most LinkedIn Users

Countries with the Most LinkedIn Users
Countries with the Most LinkedIn Users | Source: World population review

Not Just A Recruitment Platform

LinkedIn was originally started as a recruitment platform but now things have changed completely. LinkedIn has transitioned into a full-grown professional network. If you still think that LinkedIn is only a job posting or recruitment platform, then look at the numbers and think once more! 

LinkedIn is used by 93% of B2B content marketers for organic social marketing. According to the survey conducted by Content Marketing Institute, LinkedIn is the highly preferred Content Distribution Channel for B2B marketers. It is the most popular social media platform for Content Marketers when it comes to paid campaigns. 

The content impression on LinkedIn is 15x more than any job posting. LinkedIn has 9 Billion Content impressions. Now, you can imagine what wonders can LinkedIn do for your business. 

  • 140 Job Applications Are Submitted Every Second On LinkedIn
  • 65 million people use LinkedIn to search for jobs each week. At the same time, 6 people are hired every minute.
  • On the other hand, 48% of the hires on the platform use skills data to fill their job roles. 
  • 28M people added #OpentoWork frames to their profiles

Linkedin as the best hiring platform

Age Demographics

When we say LinkedIn has the most professional audience, we are saying it because LinkedIn is getting immensely popular among working professionals. 60% of LinkedIn users belong to the age group of 25 to 34 years. And this is also the age group when people are starting their new businesses or growing their careers. Instead of using the platform for entertainment, people use LinkedIn for business and professional networking. Hence, the connections you make on LinkedIn give you better opportunities to engage with business decision-makers directly. 

LinkedIn is most popular among men. The audience on LinkedIn comprises 57.2% Males and 42.8% Females. 

Age group of Linkedin Users

Wrapping Up 

As a business, it is not just about making the marketing strategy but it is also about making sure that your brand reaches a genuine and relevant audience. To truly reap the rewards of your marketing efforts, consider integrating LinkedIn into your plan. By leveraging LinkedIn, you can grow your professional network by actively engaging, communicating, and connecting with the precise audience that matters most for your brand. Make informed decisions and watch your brand flourish with LinkedIn.