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The tech giant Google bought Android in 2005 which was originally founded in 2003 by Andy Rubin and a few other team members. At present, Android has over 200 million active users. Over 2.5 million apps are being uploaded onto Google Play Store every month.

Google wants to reach as many people as possible with its services. Given the foregoing, any firm of any size requires to hire Android developers to continue to expand and increase its place in the market.

Android is a mobile OS that is free and open-source. Its development procedure is streamlined, and as a result, it has a large user base all over the world. As apps can satisfy customer goals and improve company value, android-based solutions are utilized to achieve individual and company objectives.

How popular is Android?

The popularity of Android can be discussed as follows.

– Cost

App development by an Android app development company is very cost-effective. Additionally, Android developers get free tools. Android devices and related hardware are cheaper compared to iOS counterparts. Higher profit margins are achievable since the monthly active users exceed 200 million.

– Market share

For all smartphone operating systems, Android accounts for over 80% of the market share. It can be safely assumed that Android is gradually extending its regional and demographic range of consumers based on store income of several billion dollars.

– Devices/hardware

There are over 3 billion monthly active devices worldwide. This is a huge figure showing how widespread Android devices are.



What are the pros of Android app development?

Users can make use of millions of mobile apps available. It is vital to hire Android app developers to create apps that help to make life easier for people. Furthermore, an Android app development company offers obvious commercial benefits given the availability of the platform.

– Cost-effective

Besides a one-time registration cost, the Android SDK (developer tools) is free. The design and testing process occurs on computers and smartphones. The large Android user base demonstrates the strong ROI of low-cost development.

Android marketing costs are smaller which implies that for the same cost, ads can be shown to many consumers. This is achievable because of the large Android user base.

– Gaming and graphics

Android development is sufficient to cater to graphics for gaming and other graphic design needs. This catering for advanced 2D and 3D graphics adds to increased traffic.

– High security

The Android platform is quite safe. It offers built-in security protections that safeguard the program from virus attacks which fits the security needs of most businesses.

– Adding extras

Android is the most adaptable platform for integrating apps into any system whether it is a multimedia platform or a data management tool. The ability to connect smoothly enhances app performance as well.

– Rapid development

An experienced Android developer is hired, which may take several hours to process. One of the most compelling advantages of Android programming is the speed with which apps can be developed. However, several peculiarities must be taken into account.

– Huge market influence

Google is working together with other players in the tech industry to integrate Android-based systems into wearables, media streaming devices, smart TVs, VR tech, and IoT. Thus, the Android market share maintains its high standards.

Many smartphone manufacturers select Android as their default OS making it more affordable and widely available as compared to Apple devices. So, there is high market penetration.

Various channels can be used to distribute android app development services apart from the official Google Play Store such as distribution and sales channels. Custom-made channels may help grow more customers and less competition down the road.

– Google Play Store

Apps can be launched as MVP for testing and feedback purposes. This process can conveniently address possible issues in advance. Google indexes the available apps on the Play Store. The number of app impressions may lead to website traffic. Hence, it serves multiple marketing strategies such as Google website ranking, increasing website traffic, and increase in clients.

What are the cons of Android app development?

Android app development is growing fast but that does not imply the process is without difficulties. A business can hire an Android app developer but can encounter the following glitches when working.

– API compatibility issues

Some developers use a variety of third-party APIs to make their applications extra functional. However, not all APIs are compatible with all operating systems, resulting in compatibility difficulties.

– Security flaws

Although Android is an open-source platform, the developers can cater to specific needs, it is vulnerable to security threats. Therefore, much effort should be put to ensure the development process, as well as the final app, are secured through encryption.


– Inconsistent UI

One of the most difficult challenges to overcome is the lack of a unified UI that might give a uniform UX across all devices. Google has yet to issue a set of guidelines for mobile app developers. They do not follow a specific set of rules. Mobile apps' difficulty in supplying all devices with a comfortable UX is a downgrade.

– Copyright concerns

Google does not adequately evaluate newly produced Android apps. Simultaneously there is a strong chance that many apps may be functionally, visually, and conceptually identical. Copyrights and patents are frequently infringed upon. One great way to tackle the issue is to hire an experienced Android developer who can create unique apps without infringing patents.

– Slow development and rollouts

As there are millions of Android devices from various manufacturers, there are many factors to be considered such as system performance, screen size, and resolution. Constantly testing and deploying to those devices does consume more time and effort.


Development issues are not always about choosing a technology, platform, or device. Demographics is important as a marketing strategy. Deploying incomplete apps on iOS is not a wise option, you can also hire a flutter app development company, however, the Android platform can be used to test beta products or MVPs by an Android app development company. Android is great if independence and more possibilities are preferred.


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