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The term “neurosurgery” abbreviates “neurological surgical procedure,” a discipline that deals with the diagnosis and treatment of disorders of the nervous system. Neurosurgery is closely related to neuromedicine, a field that focuses on diagnosing and treating neurological issues and headaches using medications and non-surgical techniques. In many cases, neurologists collaborate with neurosurgeons.

Symptoms of neurosurgery

Back pain can, at times, manifest neurological signs and symptoms, such as numbness, muscle weakness, and loss of control over bowel and bladder functions due to issues with the nerve root. These symptoms serve as indicators that neurosurgery is necessary to address the root cause of back pain, rather than opting for conservative treatments. However, it's important to note that neurosurgery carries a heightened risk of causing additional nerve damage and potential infections that may lead to paralysis. The most common symptoms and signs that warrant consideration of neurosurgery include:

  • Headaches that are more pronounced in the morning and tend to subside as the day progresses.
  • Confusion or noticeable personality changes.
  • Seizures, also known as convulsions.
  • Experiencing nausea or vomiting.
  • Weakness or a loss of sensation in the arms or legs.
  • Difficulty walking, characterized by stumbling or a lack of coordination (ataxic gait).
  • Abnormal eye movements or alterations in vision.
  • Persistent drowsiness.
  • Changes in speech.

Dr. K Sridhar dedicated to providing compassionate care

India attracts a significant number of patients seeking neurological treatment, primarily because of the high-quality healthcare services available in the country. Dr. K Sridhar, an esteemed spine surgeon at Global Hospital, has conducted numerous neurological surgeries and successfully treated patients from various corners of the globe. He offers personalized, state-of-the-art surgical care at affordable rates. As Best Neurosurgeon Global hospital Chennai has made significant contributions in the field of micro neurosurgery, with a particular focus on procedures involving the brain stem and eloquent areas. Dr. K Sridhar expertise includes performing awake craniotomies and cervical spine surgeries, as well as addressing cases of neuro trauma. Best neurosurgeon Global hospital Chennai is renowned for his exceptional organizational skills and for assembling highly skilled neurosciences team capable of delivering comprehensive care for neurological patients. Dr. K Sridhar positive patient outcomes are highly respected, and he leads a team of accomplished neurosurgeons who provide minimally invasive surgical services for both brain and spine conditions, utilizing the latest cutting-edge techniques and technologies.

Dr. K. Sridhar is an elite spine and neuro surgeon in India

Dr. K Sridhar comprehensive neurosurgical expertise to patients with cranial and spinal diseases and disorders. His approach centers on world-class, patient-centric care, innovative clinical and laboratory research, and specialized academic training. Best neurosurgeon Global hospital Chennai offers a wide range of services, covering cerebrovascular, spinal, functional, traumatic, tumor, and pediatric neurosurgery. Dr. K Sridhar specialization lies in providing solutions for both simple and complex neurosurgical issues, drawing from his extensive experience. Best neurosurgeon Global hospital Chennai combines the best of tradition and innovation, establishing himself as a premier neurosurgeon committed to educational excellence, cutting-edge research, and compassionate patient care. At Global Hospital in Chennai, Dr. K Sridhar is dedicated to delivering the highest quality care to his patients. Best neurosurgeon Global hospital Chennai places a strong emphasis on a collaborative team approach to ensure comprehensive spine care, utilizing all available resources at Global Hospital in Chennai.

Benefits of spine and neurosurgery service India

Spine and neurosurgery service India has emerged as the foremost medical tourism provider in India. Our commitment is to assist our clients in every aspect, from selecting the right hospital to ensuring that all documentation is in order, ensuring a hassle-free experience. Once you entrust us with your care, we assume the responsibility, relieving you of the administrative burdens and allowing you to focus solely on your treatment and travel. Spine and neurosurgery service India is dedicated to ensuring your time in India is not only characterized by quality medical care but also by a memorable and satisfying experience. By choosing us, you not only receive top-notch medical treatment but also the opportunity to explore and enjoy India's renowned destinations.

Get a free opinion, quote, medical visa invitation and assistance at every step of your Spine Surgery with the Best Spine Surgeon at Global Hospital Chennai. You can send a medical report to: dr.ksridhar@neurospinehospital.com or you can call us at +91-9325887033