The Importance of a mentor’s guidance

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From birth to death, the process of learning never ends. As soon we are conscious of the real world, we are faced with a wide variety of difficult decisions and questions to which we have no retort.

Usually, people are guided in their earlier years by their parents or guardians. We get our foundational knowledge about the world from them and gain a basic route-map on which we can embark on our future endeavors. However, as people progress and grow older, they tend to become self-dependent and refuse to seek or receive help from others.

 The belief that an individual, alone, can maneuver around any hardship is fatally flawed and the usual cause of many defeats. Multi-millionaire entrepreneur Brian Bonar has addressed this thought process and described it as the downfall of many people.

Brian Bonar debates that it is not a sign of weakness to confide in someone else. If trusting your parents for foundational guidance was acceptable, why is consorting in an experienced veteran regarding your specified needs deemed taboo?

Let’s take the thriving individual himself as a live example. Brian Bonar was born in a less than financially stable household. His family had no influential backing. Therefore he had no expected support for his future. The only thing that could help him was his hard work and efforts.

Even with academics, let’s just say he was not the sharpest tool in the shed. However, Brian exhibited the fire to succeed and climb to a level reserved for people who have excelled in their fields.

But just the will to succeed is not what carries a person to the stage at which Brian stands presently. So, what helped him gain his current status? What was the catalyst that changed his life? Well, believe it or not, Brian dedicates all his success to the guidance and knowledge he received from his uncle.

Brian’s uncle was a well-to-do businessman of that time. Brian used to shadow his uncle after his school time and absorbed everything he could from his uncle. His uncle exposed Brian to the world of business, which was the point of Brian’s life where he determined his future path. Brian had decided to pursue a career in business. Still, if he had only confided in himself and set on a solitary journey, his achievements might not have resulted in being so grand.

A lonely climb up the steep sides is perilous, but it becomes easier with the support of a mentor who has dealt with the difficulties of that climb and conquered that summit. A mentor can be anybody described by Brian. A teacher that pays attention and understands your troubles, a senior at work that shares their experience with you, or an older friend that shares the secrets to overcoming the different hurdles of life. A mentor is vital to efficiently map the route to success and obtain it with fewer chances of defeat or failure.

Many times, the difference between the failure of a start-up or the fall of your running business is the absence of a mentor. Simply the fact that you had no one that could tell you about their experience in that field and what to be prepared for is the deciding factor between a streamlined route to success or an aggressive decline.


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