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Imagine undergoing a root canal treatment (RCT) to save a severely painful tooth. You endure the procedure, relieved that the pain and discomfort will soon be a thing of the past. But here’s the catch: the journey doesn’t end there.

Surprisingly, many people make the mistake of assuming that their treatment is complete after the root canal alone. Some individuals even forget the crucial step that follows: getting a dental crown. This can lead to a series of complications and jeopardize the overall success of the treatment.

In this blog, we’ll shed light on the frequently overlooked aspect of post-root canal care: the importance of crown placement. By understanding why a dental crown is essential after RCT, we can ensure that your treatment journey concludes with a royal touch, safeguarding your oral health and your root canal investment for years to come.

Understanding Root Canal Treatment (RCT):

When you have a cavity that goes untreated, the decay can spread deep inside your tooth, reaching the pulp—the area where the nerves and blood vessels are located.

As a result, you may experience intense tooth pain. Seeking relief, you visit your dentist, who recommends root canal treatment.

Rest assured, before starting the procedure; your dentist will numb your tooth to ensure you feel no pain during the treatment.

During this procedure, your dentist will carefully open up your tooth and remove the infected or damaged part inside using special tools and solutions.

By doing so, the source of infection is eliminated, preventing it from spreading further.

To ensure complete cleanliness, the dentist then disinfects the now-empty space inside the tooth, eliminating any remaining bacteria.

Finally, the tooth is filled and sealed to protect it from future issues.

Root canal treatment is a time-consuming procedure that may require multiple visits. However, the discomfort caused by an untreated infection or decay far outweighs the temporary inconvenience of the treatment.

What Happens After Root Canal Treatment:

Well, first and foremost, it’s important to know that your tooth structure can become weakened. 

There are two main reasons for this. Firstly, the tooth may have already been weakened due to the decay that led to the root canal treatment in the first place. 

Secondly, there can be a potential loss of tooth structure during the procedure itself.

As a result, your tooth becomes more prone to fractures and further damage.

study found that root canal treated molars without crown coverage had a significantly higher risk of failure compared to those with crown coverage.

But don’t worry! A dental crown provides the much-needed strength and support to your weakened tooth structure. It’s like giving your tooth its very own Captain America’s shield!

With the crown in place, your tooth can regain its strength and serve you well for years to come.

The Purpose and Benefits of Dental Crowns:

A crown is a custom-made cap that is placed over your weakened tooth to protect it, restore its natural shape and appearance, and boost its strength.

After undergoing a root canal treatment, your dentist recommends a crown because it serves several purposes.

  1. It provides an extra layer of protection to your tooth, safeguarding it from fractures and further damage. 
  2. It restores the tooth’s natural shape and appearance, which  definitely matters when it comes to your front teeth, giving you a confident smile.
  3. With a crown in place, you’ll experience improved chewing ability, allowing you to enjoy your favorite foods without worries. 
  4. It helps prevent any potential long-term complications and ensures the durability of the treated tooth. 

Potential Risks of Not Getting a Dental Crown:

Let’s talk about the risks and consequences of not completing your root canal treatment with a dental crown. 

You see, without a crown, your treated tooth remains vulnerable and exposed to potential complications. 

  1. One of the main risks is fracture. Without the added protection of a crown, the weakened tooth structure is more prone to breaking, which can be both painful and costly to repair.
  2. Additionally, without a crown, the treated tooth is at a higher risk of developing new decay. Remember, the root canal treatment was done to save your tooth, and leaving it unprotected can compromise that investment. 
  3. Losing the treated tooth altogether is also a possibility if complications arise and it becomes irreparable. 

The Process of Getting a Dental Crown:

Usually, after some time has passed since your root canal treatment, typically around a month, and it’s been ensured that your tooth has healed properly, the dental crown procedure can begin.

During your first visit,

Based on your specific needs and preferences, your dentist will guide you in selecting the most suitable material for your crown, taking into account factors such as color and strength. You may be recommended options like porcelain, ceramic, or metal.

Once the material is decided, your dentist will gently reshape your tooth, removing a small portion from all sides to create space for the crown to fit snugly.

Next, an impression of your reshaped tooth will be taken, capturing its precise shape and size.

This impression is then sent to a dental lab where skilled technicians will fabricate your custom-made crown.

During your next visit,

Your dentist will carefully place the crown on your tooth, ensuring it fits comfortably and looks natural in your jaw. Once the fit and appearance are confirmed, the crown will be permanently sealed in place, protecting your tooth and restoring its functionality.

Aftercare and Maintenance:

After the placement of your dental crown, proper aftercare is crucial to maintain its longevity and ensure the health of your treated tooth. 

  1. Continue practicing good oral hygiene by brushing your teeth at least twice a day with a soft-bristle toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste. Don’t forget to gently clean along the gumline where the crown meets your natural tooth. 
  2. Flossing every day is equally important to remove plaque and debris from between your teeth, including around the crown. 
  3. Additionally, make sure to schedule regular dental check-ups and cleanings, typically every six months, so your dentist can monitor the condition of your crown and overall oral health. 
  4. Avoid biting on hard objects, like ice or pens, as well as using your teeth as tools for opening packages or tearing objects. These habits can put unnecessary stress on the crown and increase the risk of damage.

By following these aftercare tips and maintaining proper oral hygiene, you can ensure the longevity and functionality of your dental crown, allowing you to enjoy a healthy and confident smile for years to come.

Do you need to get a dental crown in Modesto, California?

Call us now for an appointment at (209) 548-0100, or come by our clinic at Paragon Dental, 1108 Oakdale Road, Suite A, Modesto, California 95355.

At Paragon Dental, we strive to provide high-quality dental care to our patients. If you’re experiencing any dental issues, don’t hesitate to schedule an appointment with us.

Contact us today to book your appointment and take the first step towards a healthier smile.

The Importance of Dental Crown After Root Canal Treatment (dentalcaremodesto.com)