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Here is the synopsis of the movie The November Man. The November Man is an action and thriller movie starring Pierce Brosnan, Luke Bracey, and Olga Kurylenko.

The November movie tells the story of a retired CIA agent who is forced back into a deadly mission. What is it? Let's take a peek at The November Man movie synopsis below!

Movie Synopsis
The November Man movie begins with the story of Peter Devereaux (Pierce Brosnan). Peter is a former CIA agent who has retired five years ago. However, Peter is asked to return to work to carry out a dangerous mission.

As it turns out, Peter's ex-girlfriend has incriminating evidence against Federov, a corrupt Russian leader. Due to this connection, Peter is asked to investigate Federov, who is running for President. In fact, Federov is believed to have committed crimes during the Chechen war.

When a different CIA team, led by former protégé Devereaux (Luke Bracey), shows up, the mission heads south and Peter's former lover is killed.

Now a rogue agent, Peter drags a relief worker (Olga Kurylenko) on his mission to solve the problem. Will they succeed?

The November Man Movie Production Process
The November Man movie started shooting in 2012. A year later, Pierce Brosnan confirmed that he went to Serbia to shoot his spy character.

Filming of The November Man began on May 20, 2013 in Belgrade. Unfortunately, the filming of this movie was closely guarded so that it did not leak at all to the public.

The November Man cost $15 million to produce. After its simultaneous screening on August 27, 2014, The November Man made a profit of $34.8 million (IDR 551 billion).

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