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Roots Analysis has done a detailed report on Oligonucleotide Synthesis, Modification and Purification Services Market (2nd Edition) covering key aspects of the industry and identifying future growth opportunities

To order this 360+ page report, which features 175+ figures and 225+ tables, please visit https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/view_document/oligonucleotide-synthesis/304.html


Key Market Insights

  • Over the past few years, close to 420 trials focused on oligonucleotide-based interventions have been registered across various phases of development for the treatment of a diverse range of diseases
  • Currently, 90+ players claim to be capable of offering manufacturing services for oligonucleotides, being developed for research and diagnostics, as well as therapeutic applications
  • The current market landscape features a mix of well-established firms and new entrants, based across different regions; most of the players offer modification and purification services for oligonucleotides
  • The US and some European countries have emerged as key manufacturing hubs for oligonucleotides; majority of the players providing services for therapeutic oligonucleotides are mid-sized and large companies
  • In order to cater to the growing needs of therapy developers, as well as obtain a competitive advantage in this domain, service providers are continually expanding their existing capabilities
  • The rising interest in this domain can further be validated by the increase in number of oligonucleotides focused initiatives, including partnerships and expansions, undertaken in recent years
  • Oligonucleotide-based therapy developers are anticipated to forge strategic manufacturing alliances with contract service providers, to further augment their service offerings
  • Presently, well established players contribute to 75% of the global installed manufacturing capacity; in the coming years, significant expansion initiatives are anticipated in the Asia-Pacific region
  • With the increasing global disease burden, the overall demand for oligonucleotide manufacturing is expected to grow as well; stakeholders are anticipated to expand their respective capacities to ensure consistent supply
  • The trend of outsourcing in this domain is likely to continue in the foreseen future; the overall market for oligonucleotide manufacturing services is estimated to grow at a CAGR of ~10% over the coming decade
  • In the long-term, the projected opportunity is anticipated to be well distributed across various types of oligonucleotides, therapeutic areas, scales of operation and service providers of different sizes


One of the key objectives of this report was to evaluate the current opportunity and the future potential within the oligonucleotide synthesis, modification and purification services market, over the next decade. Based on multiple parameters, such as anticipated growth in number of oligonucleotide-focused projects, cost of goods sold, and direct manufacturing costs, we have developed informed estimates of the likely evolution of the market over the coming decade.


To request a sample copy / brochure of this report, please visit this



Table of Contents


  1. Preface

    2. Executive Summary

  2. Introduction
  3. Market Landscape: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Research and Diagnostic Applications)
  4. Market Landscape: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Therapeutic Applications)
  5. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Research and Diagnostic Applications)
  6. Company Competitiveness Analysis: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Therapeutic Applications)
  7. Company Profiles: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Research and Diagnostic Applications)
  8. Company Profiles: Oligonucleotide Manufacturers (Therapeutic Applications)
  9. Make Versus Buy Decision Framework
  10. Big Pharma Initiatives
  11. Partnerships and Collaborations
  12. Recent Expansions
  13. Likely Partner Analysis


  1. Clinical Trial Analysis


  1. Capacity Analysis


  1. Demand Analysis


  1. Market Sizing and Opportunity Analysis


  1. Impact of COVID-19 on Oligonucleotide Synthesis Market


  1. SWOT Analysis


  1. Survey Analysis


  1. Executive Insights


  1. Concluding Remarks


  1. Appendix 1: Tabulated Data


  1. Appendix 2: List of Companies and Organizations


For more information, please visit https://www.rootsanalysis.com/reports/view_document/oligonucleotide-synthesis/304.html



About Roots Analysis

Roots Analysis is one of the fastest growing market research companies, sharing fresh and independent perspectives in the bio-pharmaceutical industry. The in-depth research, analysis and insights are driven by an experienced leadership team which has gained many years of significant experience in this sector. If you’d like help with your growing business needs, get in touch at info@rootsanalysis.com


Contact Information

Roots Analysis Private Limited

Ben Johnson

+1 (415) 800 3415

+44 (122) 391 1091


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