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The One BIG Lesson I Learned About Building a Successful Online Business After 7 Years PLUS Online!

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Do you love football, (soccer if you prefer that)?

You do, right? So do I!

Now, one thing I’ve noticed whenever any team is playing is how nearly everyone who is watching the game is an ‘expert’. One common thing you’ll notice with these people, whether they are watching the game in the stadium or at home via their television sets, is the ‘expert’ tips and ‘technical’ advise they ditch out.

Whenever a player make a wrong move on the field of play resulting in some missed chances, these ‘unofficial coaches’ would say all sort of unprintable words. Most times they dish out instructions of what players should or should not do.

In fact, the way most of these self assumed experts carry themselves while watching the players struggling to make good their act, you’d think they will perform wonders if they are given the opportunity to be in the field of play. But give it a try and you would only regret the result!

Succeeding online and playing football

Now, I know you’d be wondering what has the Web Income Journal has to do with football game. No, my concern here is not about playing football but about the attitude of many who want to make money online.

You see, the fact is when you are on the outside you could easily fall for the notion that building a successful online business is an easy thing. This is why many of us were pulled in by the smooth talk of online marketers who presented making money online as something you can achieve simply by putting up a website or blog.

But all that was only a DREAM!

I’m being honestly frank here!

If you have been online long enough then you would agree that internet marketing is not about working in your pajamas, even when you could choose to do so. It’s also not about loafing it out at the beach with your lap while the money roll in!

One thing you must understand is that those figures that’s being flashed at you in those sales letters are results of long and tedious days and nights of toil and sweat. Sometimes, even years.

So, if you desire success online you should be ready to put the investment of time and effort.  Never think success online come simply by sheer luck. You don’t just casually ease into earning millions on the net.

As I mentioned a few days ago, the Web Income Journal blog, as it’s today, will be 7years in a few days time. In this post I want to share with you the essential ingredient I’ve found to be a must-have if you want to build a successful online business.


NEWS FLASH: On Saturday 16th September, 2017 this blog under the Brand Name the Web Income Journal will be 7 years! To celebrate, we are putting together a special One-Week FREE GIFTS Offer – Value $364 for all subscribers. Each day, starting from the 16th through 22nd of September, a high-value gift will be delivered through email to ALL subscribers.

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Online Business Success

I must say that of all that’s required to make a success of your online dream, this top the list…

Alright, let’s get it on…

The Essential Ingredient for a Successful Online Business

Have a Right and Healthy Mindset

As I’ve mentioned earlier, many of us started online with a wrong mindset. We had some funny ideas about making money online. But I can tell you today that was really FAULTY foundation. I’m only here today because I jettisoned that mindset after I realized the problem with it. And, I’m grateful I did else I would have packed up my acts a long time ago!

One thing I can say is that over the years there are many bloggers that have interacted with this blog at one time or the other. Over time I have discovered that many of these blogs have dropped out of the blogosphere. Many of these blogs had an “appearance of success” when they were up. But as you’ll agree with me, you don’t ditch a winning team, or do you?

I dare say that of the many that are dropping out of sight, most got it wrong somewhere. And, in most cases a wrong mindset is the culprit!

Now I must say I may not have the qualifications to make such a grave statement but after about 7+ years of being online, a period within which I have tried my hands in different online business models – niche sites, affiliate marketing, bum marketing, article marketing, blogging and even Kindle self-publishing, I think I can read the handwriting on the wall whenever I see one!

So my intention in this post is not to sound pompous but to help you see the truth so that you can achieve your dreams online. If you truly want to escape being one of the dotcom failures, work on your mindset. Period!

Online success strategy

Wondering what really is the right and healthy mindset for succeeding online?

To help you understand this let’s look at it in the areas of what it IS and what it is NOT.

What it IS:

1.  A right and healthy mindset IS the willingness to work as hard and as long as is necessary to achieve the goals that YOU have set.

2.  A right and healthy mindset IS the willingness to take the time to make a good, solid business plan that is based upon sound business principles.

And what it is NOT:

1.  A right and healthy mindset is NOT the belief that success will be easy, quick or painless.

2.  A right and healthy mindset is NOT just jumping in feet first and hoping for the best. The best that can happen under those circumstances is that you’d get out with nothing more than two cents to your name.

From the above you’d understand that those who believe that they can build a successful internet based business without putting in the required time or effort are simply doomed to failure from the very start.

I’m sure you don’t want to set up your online business to self-destruct!

Again from what is presented as the right and healthy mindset, you will notice that there’s the need for setting goals and making a business plan based on sound business principles. This is because building a business online is pretty much the same as building a business off-line, with a little difference in approach. It is important therefore that if you lack any knowledge in the area of your business focus, never hesitate to get it whatever the cost.

Of course, a right and healthy mind set may not automatically guarantee success online but note this very carefully, a wrong and unhealthy or unrealistic mindset will most assuredly, as the day follows the night, guarantee failure! So get the right mindset because this the first cornerstone that must be laid if a successful online business is to be built.

I’ll love to hear your thoughts on this. Share with us in your comments below.

[NOTE: This post was actually done a few years ago but then it’s still ‘fresh’ and to the point for a 7 year anniversary post. And so, I simply ‘brushed’ it up a little. Do enjoy!]

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The One BIG Lesson I Learned About Building a Successful Online Business After 7 Years PLUS Online! was first posted on September 8, 2017 at 10:57 am.
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