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The Perfect Hedge: A Guide to Portuguese Laurel Spacing

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Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica)

The Portuguese laurel (Prunus lusitanica) is a popular choice for hedges due to its dense foliage, fast growth rate, and low-maintenance requirements. However, achieving a lush and healthy hedge requires proper planting techniques, including optimal spacing between plants.

This blog will guide you through everything you need to know about Portuguese laurel hedge spacing, ensuring your hedge thrives for years to come.

Factors Affecting Spacing:

  • Desired Hedge Height and Width:

A taller and wider hedge will naturally require more space for each plant to mature fully. For a hedge reaching 1-2 meters (3.3-6.6 ft) in height, spacing of 60-80 cm (2-2.6 ft) between plants is recommended. If you desire a denser and wider hedge exceeding 2 meters (6.6 ft), consider spacing of 100 cm (3.3 ft) or more.

  • Plant Size at Purchase:

Larger, more mature laurels will naturally require more space than smaller saplings. When buying larger plants, adjust the spacing accordingly to avoid overcrowding.

  • Aesthetics:

A tighter spacing creates a more formal and solid hedge, while wider spacing allows for a more relaxed and natural look. Consider your desired aesthetic when determining the ideal spacing.

Benefits of Optimal Spacing:

  • Improved Air Circulation and Sunlight Penetration: Proper spacing for Portuguese Laurel allows for better air circulation around the plants, preventing fungal diseases and promoting healthy growth. Additionally, adequate sunlight penetration encourages even growth throughout the hedge.
  • Stronger, Thicker Hedge: With enough space, Portuguese laurels can develop robust root systems, leading to a thicker and sturdier hedge.
  • Reduced Maintenance: Proper spacing minimizes the need for excessive trimming and shaping, making hedge maintenance easier and less time-consuming.

Additional Tips:

  • Create a Planting Trench: Dig a trench slightly deeper than the root ball of your laurels and twice as wide. This encourages root development and provides better drainage.
  • Straight Line Planting: Use a taut string or line to ensure your hedge plants are spaced evenly and create a straight, clean line.
  • Regular Watering: Water your newly planted hedge regularly, especially during dry periods, to promote healthy root establishment.
  • Trimming and Shaping: Regular trimming (once or twice a year) will help maintain the desired shape and thickness of your hedge.


By understanding the factors influencing Portuguese laurel hedge spacing and following these tips, you can create a beautiful, healthy, and low-maintenance hedge that adds value and curb appeal to your property. If you're unsure about the optimal spacing for your specific needs, consult with a local nursery or landscaping professional for personalized advice.

Bonus Tip:

For visual learners, consider incorporating images or infographics into your blog to illustrate ideal spacing distances and planting techniques. You can also include a short video showcasing the planting process.


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