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If your loved one has been diagnosed with a life-limiting illness, they will benefit from receiving hospice care. Whether the doctor has already recommended hospice care to your loved one or you're considering it, knowing more about what it is, the kind of services provided, eligibility criteria, and the admission process will be helpful. While many people think that receiving hospice care means giving up, which is not true, many believe that their loved ones will greatly benefit from it. Hospice care is focused on improving the quality of life of the patients by focusing on relieving pain and symptoms. So, if you are considering hospice care for your loved one or it has already been recommended to them, make sure to find the Best Hospice Layton. And if you're wondering about the admission process, read on to learn more: 

Getting Referral: Hospice referrals are usually made by the patient's healthcare provider as well as family members. This referral is made depending on the health condition of the patient. And if the patient has already received a referral, the hospice service provider will request information about the patient's health condition and talk with the physician. For a patient to receive care, they need a prognosis of six months or less from their physician.

The Transition Begins With An Assessment Visit: If you or your loved one has been deemed eligible to receive hospice care, the transition process usually begins with an assessment visit. This assessment visit is a great way to learn more about the type of services provided and see whether you have chosen the right service provider. As for the service provider, this assessment visit will give them a better understanding of your loved one's health condition and develop a care plan.

Once the assessment is completed, you will need to fill up a consent form to proceed with the care plan, where you will have to provide contact details, insurance information, and other necessary details. But before you sign the consent form, make sure that you go through the protection and rights of the patient and the guidelines. Understanding this consent form is important.

Since the treatment for hospice care is covered by insurance, medicare, or Medicaid, you should collect all these documents when you go for the assessment visit. You should also share the treatment the patient receiving with the service providers.

Proceeding With Hospice Care: Once the patient has gone through the assessment visit and signed the form, hospice care will proceed. Receiving hospice care does not mean that you have to go into a facility. Patients can decide to receive hospice care wherever they want, whether it is at the comfort of their home, assisted living facility, nursing home, or even an in-patient facility. However, most decide to receive hospice care at the comfort of their home as they want to be comfortable. When the care begins, the patient will get visits from nurses, physicians, aides, social workers, and volunteers who will make sure that the patient is comfortable. Hospice care does not only focus on the physical health of the patients but also on their emotional, mental, and spiritual needs. The services also extend to the family members, and they proceed to provide their services even after the patient passes in the form of bereavement.

 If you are considering Hospice Layton Utah for your loved one, understanding the procedure will be helpful.


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