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The pros and cons of blogger outreach

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When you’re a marketer and you want to up the ante on your marketing game, you’re likely going to look for more unique methods of improving your brand recognition and appeal to your audiences. If you’ve ever heard of blogger outreach, you might be surprised to learn that it’s actually one of the most efficient marketing methods available in the digital marketing space. Interestingly, however, it’s important to also note that blogger outreach isn’t a perfect tool either, and knowing its pros and cons are essential in its understanding.

Did you know that blogger outreach is becoming a steadily-popular way for marketers to tap into audiences because of how powerful influencers are in the first place? Even 89-percent micro-influencers use blogging platforms to post their products, with media such as Instagram and WordPress being extremely popular with them. 54-percent of these bloggers also mentioned using their blogs for sponsored posts, which helps them earn money.

Money aside, influencers do hold a lot of influence over their fans. For instance, 56-percent of consumers actually purchase products because they’re influenced by peers and their friends. Being on Twitter alone can motivate you to like a brand, with purchase intent increasing by as much as 2.7-percent courtesy of tweets from brands. When influencers make the tweets themselves, intent can increase as much as 5.2-percent.

Pros and Cons Of Blogger Outreach

The Pros and Cons of Blogger Outreach

With the above points in mind, it’s important to take into account that blogger outreach works best if you’re aware of exactly which aspects of blogger outreach may or may not work for you. To know more click here. Here are some pros and cons.

The Pros: Blogger Outreach Lets You Tap Into A Wider, Bigger Audience

When you do blogger outreach, you get to tap into a huge audience courtesy of your partner sites. Given enough investment and budget, you’re going to be capable of actually tapping into a lot of bloggers to help your brand reach a lot of markets at once without having to invest too much on marketing methods you’re not even sure might work. This is helpful, especially if you want to not only get your name out there, but to form lasting relationships with influencers that can be an active part of your network in the long run.

Bloggers need to link back to your site, which you may already have done: If you want to do blogger outreach, and if you want to expand your brand, you’re likely going to have a website ready to be linked back to. The question now is whether or not you have a section dedicated to your own personal blogs. Regardless, given blogger outreach needs a website to be established on your end, this is likely even a requirement you don’t need to notice, as a crucial part of any digital marketing strategy hinges on the need to have a functioning website. This is an advantage in itself, as having a website ready beforehand can cut huge costs into blogger outreach.
Blogging is a good way to get your voice out there: Aside from getting your brand popular with audiences, blogging through blogger outreach allows you and your blogger to be able to express your brand’s voice. Your voice communicates your brand’s values, principles, and objectives, which is often expressed through advertisements and a general “tone” for interaction. Blogs are an instant way for you to spread this word. When bloggers allow you to guest post for them, this immediately allows you to connect through their audiences. In speaking of,
Blogger outreach allows you to reach a network of audiences that will take years to connect to: Let’s admit it, marketing to get audience appeal can be quite the tricky endeavor. This is especially given the fact that starting a marketing strategy from scratch doesn’t give any guarantees that you’ll succeed in the first place. Blogger outreach, on the other hand, lets you reach an audience immediately within your niche. Make your brand attractive enough, and you’ll almost certainly definitely have a niche audience waiting for you.

The Cons: Blogger Outreach Demands A Lot Of Investment To Accomplish

Unfortunately, despite the pros of blogger outreach, it does have its cons. Perhaps a key way to describe it is the fact that doing outreach does mean having to invest a significant amount of time and resources doing various tasks in the process. For instance, not only do you have to do prospecting for bloggers and potential partner sites, you also have to negotiate potential pricing to have them post content on your behalf – especially if you want them linked. This is a lot of investment for a process you don’t even know if it might work for you.

Getting the right blogger takes a lot of time to find: Finding yourself a good blogger takes time to reach, especially given the processes involved in searching for them. Not all bloggers are fit for outreach, as there are metrics and qualities you have to look for during the prospecting process. By the time you’ve reached your ideal blogger, you may have lost a lot of time you can dedicate doing other things for your business. As such, if you want to do blogger outreach, you need to understand that you’re taking a big gamble with your time.
Convincing the right blogger to spread your brand can cost money: It really costs money to do blogger outreach, not just in finding bloggers, but to actually have your content written out there. A lot of bloggers tend to make money doing blogs because brands approach them to get their products spread. A lot of brands also need to pay bloggers (be it sponsorships, money, etc.) because these bloggers themselves understand their site has a reputation to maintain. As with the above, having your guest post published isn’t always a guarantee of success, either, so you’re once again in a tricky place.
No guarantees like blogs: When you do blogs for your own business, there’s no guarantee that it will get the kind of traction you’re expecting. You should expect the same when doing blogger outreach, as just because a blog is famous doesn’t necessarily mean your guest post in them via blogger outreach can earn just as much views. You should always work under the assumption that blogger outreach, despite how expensive, will only earn you big when your post gets big as well – so choose that blogger wisely, or you may have spent a lot of effort for naught.

Conclusion: Blogger Outreach Can Work For Everyone

Blogger outreach is admittedly one of the most complex and challenging marketing strategies to implement, and this is particularly because blogger outreach involves a lot of elements in play. As explained above, blogger outreach as a marketing method might work for anyone who needs a marketing boost, but it’s not exactly always the most efficient marketing method for everyone. It’s important to have a basic understanding of how blogger outreach works before you decide on making this a key component in your marketing strategy.

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The post The pros and cons of blogger outreach appeared first on JBKlutse.


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