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The Role of Accredited Persons in VEEC Creation

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Accredited Persons (APs) are integral to the success of the Victorian Energy Efficiency Certificate (VEEC) scheme. They ensure that energy efficiency projects meet the program’s standards, verify the energy savings, and facilitate the creation of VEECs. This article explores the crucial role of APs in the VEEC creation process.

Who Are Accredited Persons?

Accredited Persons are individuals or organizations approved by the Victorian Government to participate in the VEEC scheme. They have the expertise and authority to verify energy efficiency activities and create VEECs. APs must meet stringent criteria and maintain high standards of professionalism and integrity to remain accredited.

Responsibilities of Accredited Persons

The primary responsibility of APs is to ensure that energy efficiency activities comply with the Victorian Energy Upgrades (VEU) program’s guidelines. This involves several key tasks:

  • Verification of Activities: APs must verify that the energy-saving activities meet the program’s requirements. This includes confirming that the activities are eligible and that the energy savings are accurately calculated.
  • Documentation and Reporting: Accurate documentation is essential in the VEEC creation process. APs are responsible for preparing and submitting all necessary documentation to prove that the activities comply with the VEU program.
  • Compliance and Quality Assurance: APs must ensure that all activities are carried out to the highest standards. This involves conducting quality assurance checks and audits to maintain the integrity of the VEEC scheme.
  • VEEC Creation and Trading: Once the activities are verified and documented, APs create VEECs and can facilitate their trade in the market. This provides a financial return for the energy efficiency projects.

The Importance of Accredited Persons in the VEEC Scheme

APs play a critical role in maintaining the integrity and effectiveness of the VEEC scheme. Their expertise ensures that the energy savings claimed are genuine and that the environmental benefits are realized. By verifying and documenting activities accurately, APs uphold the credibility of the VEEC market.

Case Studies: Accredited Persons in Action

Several case studies highlight the importance of APs in successful VEEC projects:

  • Commercial Lighting Upgrade: A large commercial property undertook a lighting upgrade, replacing old fixtures with energy-efficient LEDs. An Accredited Person was engaged to verify the project, ensuring it met all VEU requirements. The AP’s thorough documentation and verification resulted in the creation of numerous VEECs, which were then sold to offset the project costs.
  • Residential Heating System Installation: A residential building installed an energy-efficient heating system. The Accredited Person conducted a comprehensive assessment, verifying the energy savings and ensuring compliance with the program’s standards. This led to the successful creation of VEECs and significant financial returns for the building owner.

Challenges Faced by Accredited Persons

While APs play a crucial role, they also face challenges in the VEEC creation process. These include staying updated with evolving regulations, managing the complexity of documentation, and ensuring ongoing compliance. Additionally, the fluctuating market value of VEECs can impact the financial returns from projects.

The Future of Accredited Persons in the VEEC Scheme

As the VEU program continues to evolve, the role of Accredited Persons will remain vital. Ongoing training and professional development will be essential for APs to stay current with the latest standards and technologies. The increasing focus on sustainability and energy efficiency will likely expand the scope of eligible activities, providing more opportunities for APs to contribute to the program’s success.


In conclusion, Accredited Persons are essential to the effective operation of the VEEC scheme. Their expertise in verifying energy efficiency activities, ensuring compliance, and facilitating VEEC creation is crucial to the program’s success. Despite the challenges, the role of APs will continue to be pivotal as the demand for energy efficiency and sustainability grows. Through their efforts, APs help drive the financial and environmental benefits of the VEEC scheme, supporting Victoria’s transition to a low-carbon future.
