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How to Setup and run an effective, automated Phishing Simulation

Are you concerned in regards to the security sensitive company information? Do you want to make sure that your employees have the expertise and experience to avoid and detect the phishing scams? Don't look any further! In this blog post we'll guide you through the steps for setting up a successful automated phishing simulation. Through proactively testing and educating your staff against real-world scenarios, it is possible to dramatically minimize the threat of a devastating cyber attack. Let's go through the process and learn how to protect your business from malicious threats! Get more information about AI Email Security

An Introduction to the Phishing Simulation

A phishing simulation that is automated is a great method to check your employees' awareness of phishing threats and their ability to recognize and report them. By simulating a real-world phishing attack, you can see what your employees might do in a secure, controlled environment.

There are a myriad of ways to set up and run an effective automated phishing exercise. In this blog post we'll go over some helpful tips about how to begin.

It's the first step to choose what kind of phishing attack you want to be running. There are many different types of phishing attacks. Therefore, it's crucial to select one that's appropriate and acceptable for employees. For example, if you work in a company that requires employees to make strong passwords, you may prefer to simulate a password reset attack.

When you've selected the type of attack you're planning to take, it's time to build the email or website to use in the simulation. This is where you have the opportunity to be creative. There are numerous ways to make an email or web page appear as though it's authentic web page or company. However, there are certain red flags to be avoided, like incorrect spelling or grammar.

You'll need to send out the fake phishing emails or web-based page to employees. This can be done manually or by using an automated tool like GoPhish. Once your employees have received the simulated phishing emails or web page you'll need to keep track of the responses of your employees and find out what their reactions were to the simulated attack.

You'll also need to discuss the findings with your employees. This is an excellent way to ensure they understand the kinds of phishing scams which exist and give them the tools needed to identify and report them in the future. It also gives you to reinforce your company's security procedures and policies.

By conducting automated phishing scenarios every day, you can make sure that your employees are better prepared to be able to recognize and report phishing attempts for the future. By doing this, you can help keep your company safe from cyber threats.

Benefits of Automated Phishing Simulations

Any size business can benefit from automated phishing models. With the help of regular simulations enterprises can train their staff to be more alert to phishing attacks, and better equipped to defend against them. Furthermore, automated phishing simulations can assist companies in determining which employees are most likely to be the target of attacks, and take steps to fix any vulnerabilities.

The companies that have automated phishing simulations will be able to see a decrease in the number of successful phishing attempts, and also an overall improvement in the awareness of employees and knowledge of how to tackle the threat. Furthermore, automated phishing models can provide an efficient and cost-effective method for employers to train their employees on best practices for cybersecurity.

Then, automated phishing models can aid organizations in creating a security-conscious culture and awareness, which is important in today's increasingly digital world.

Steps to Set Up and Run an Effective Automation Phishing Simulation

1. Determine the purpose for the simulation, and come up with a plan to accomplish these objectives.

2. Select the appropriate tools to run the simulation, including an email platform, as well as phishing templates.

3. Create an email platform and create the phishing template.

4. Send out the simulated fraudulent emails to the desired recipients.

5. Analyze the outcomes of the simulation and make appropriate actions based upon the results.

Common Pitfalls along with Solutions

When running an automated phishing simulation, there are a few common mistakes that can happen. Here are some suggestions for overcoming these issues:

Pitfall 1. Not Personalizing the Phishing Emails

Solution: When writing your phishing email, be sure you personalize your messages as much as you can. This can be done by putting in the recipient's name and company name, or other relevant information. By doing this, you increase the chances that recipients click on the malicious link or attachment.

Second Pitfall: Sending too Many Phishing Emails at Once

Solution In the event that you send too many phishing emails at the same time, it could be a trigger for security systems and alert people off to possible targets. To avoid this make sure you spread out your messages over time. Additionally, make sure to alter the time of your emails and days in order to avoid being detected.

Pitfall #3: not Changing the Phishing Email Types

Solution: If your only use a single type of an email that is phishing (e.g., always using an attachment) people who are susceptible to being hacked will be quick to notice. Make sure to mix up the kinds of emails you send. Include emails that contain attachments, links, and simple text. This can keep potential victims off guard and improve your odds of success.

Best Practices for Automation Phishing Simulations

When conducting an automated phishing simulation, there are a few guidelines to remember to ensure you get the most out of the process. First, you must make sure to target as many employees as feasible within the company. The more employees who are exposed to the fake phishing scams, the better idea you'll have of which employees are at risk of falling for them.

In the second, ensure that the mock-ups are genuine. This means using real-world phishing templates and incorporating recent trends in phishing tactics. This way, you'll be able to know how well your employees are able to defend themselves against the actual threat.

Explain to your employees what you learned after the simulations are completed. This is an important step to help them understand what they did wrong and what they could do to strengthen their defenses against attacks in the future.


Establishing and running an effective, automated screening for phishing is a good option to ensure your company is ready for any possible threats. It's an intimidating task, but with proper tools and resources it can be done swiftly and efficiently. When you understand the fundamentals of how automated phishing simulations work, you will be able to devise a robust method to guard your business from threats online. With these ideas in mind, you'll be able to set up and running a successful simulation the phishing attack.


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