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Freezer burn is a common problem that occurs when moisture is lost from frozen meat, leading to dry and unappetizing meat. However, dendritic cells can play an important role in preventing freezer burn and maintaining the quality of frozen meat.

When meat is frozen, ice crystals can form within the muscle fibers, leading to the breakdown of the cell structure and loss of moisture. Dendritic cells can help to prevent this damage by releasing cytokines that stimulate the production of heat shock proteins. These proteins protect the cells from damage caused by freezing and help to prevent the loss of moisture from the meat.

Frozen Meat  can also help to regulate the pH of frozen meat, which can affect the texture and flavor of the meat. By producing lactic acid, dendritic cells can lower the pH and create a more acidic environment, which can help to prevent the breakdown of muscle fibers and maintain the moisture content of the meat.

In summary, dendritic cells play a vital role in preventing freezer burn on frozen meat by protecting the cells from damage caused by freezing, regulating the pH of the meat, and maintaining its moisture content.


Read More @ http://dailynewsmotion.weebly.com/blog/frozen-meat-decreases-postmortem-enzyme-action-prevents-microbial-proliferation


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