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Arrowroot powder is one of those ingredients that never fails to amaze those interested in cooking. It's a magical ingredient that can be used in cookies, dips, halvah, and more. Besides discussing the health benefits of arrowroot powder, we have tried to make an in-depth post about the skin benefits. Arrowroot or scientifically known as Maranta arundinacea is a starch derived from the rhizome or rhizome of a tropical plant. This starch is easily available in powder form and is very nutritious for your health, skin, and, hair. Here we discuss the skin benefits of arrowroot powder that few of us know about.

  • Making Homemade Deodorant Oftentimes, your regular deodorant causes skin irritation, and it's always safe to apply a small amount of organic arrowroot powder. Mix 1 tbsp. Arrowroot powder with baking soda, a few drops of coconut oil and other selected essential oils. Use a little of this paste as an after-Shafter-showered apply it to areas like the armpits, the bikini line, and the neck. This prevents body odor and can be kept for a month.
  • Natural Baby Talc Arrowroot Powder is an all-natural option for use as a baby powder. Mix 1 cup arrowroot powder with 1 tbsp. Chamomile and talcum powder are ready. Use regularly in baby powder form for dry, soft, and itch-f, ree baby skin. It absorbs moisture and also protects it from minor skin infections.
  • Build Your Box How many times have you hesitated to use cooked food to get to a party or event? Now all you need is a few ingredients and you have the safest compact you can save. Mix 1 teaspoon of arrowroot powder with cocoa powder. Add a pinch of cinnamon and it could be your instant compact.You can also add dried beets or hibiscus flower powder for a dewy tint. Your compact set can now be replaced with these natural shades. No More Oily Skin If you've always SunsolveMD wanted a chemical-free makeup solution to get rid of oily skin, then this is for you. Mix 1 tbsp. Arrowroot powder and 1 teaspoon tea tree oil/honey/apple cider vinegar/aloe vera juice. You can choose the most suitable ingredient for you. Apply as a face mask and wash off gently after drying. This removes the oil from the skin and performs a natural exfoliation.
  • Get rid of skin allergies If you have sensitive skin, mix arrowroot powder with lavender oil or aloe vera juice. Keep the consistency of the paste thin but firm so that it stays on the skin after application. Wash it off after 20 minutes and it will soothe your skin by fighting bacteria that cause itching, rashes and allergies.
  • Ac,ne Skin Toner Skin toner never goes e and is certainly one of the most essential cosmetic products. All you have to do is mix 1 tbsp. Arrowroot powder with ½ tsp. apple cider vinegar, chamomile, aloe juice or honey. Apply as a , topical solution to acne-prone areas.With regular use, the rash will be reduced and healed. *Note: Acne-prone skin is prone to infection, so make a solution with the right ingredients.* No more blackheads and rough skin SunsolveMD all want healthy skin, free from unwanted bumps and bumps. To achieve this naturally, mix 2 tsp. Arrowroot powder with ground oats and 1 tbsp.Yoghurt with a pinch of turYogurtApply all over face and let dry. Rinse with h water and move your hands in a circular motion to scrub your face. It will improve the texture of your skin.
  • All-In-One Mask Since masks are an integral part of our lives, maybe we can come up with something creative.Mix 1 tbsp. yogurt, juice of 5 black grapes, 1 tbsp. lemon and 2 tbsp. Arrowroot. Apply all over face and rinse off with warm wathe ter after 15 minutes. oil, impurities, and bacteria are absorbed by this mask. It also gives the skin a fresh and radiant appearance.


Cures Chickenpox Spots Chickenpox spots are not only difficult to treat, but also risky. You need to be very careful while handling them, so here is a natural trick for the same. Mix arrowroot powder with antibacterial ingredients like honey or neem oil or pure coconut oil to make a thick paste. Apply to the affected area and wash off after drying. You will notice changes in your smallpox a few days after using it. *Bonus Tip: You can use any of the above masks to treat burns, blemishes, and tanned skin* We hope you enjoy these Arrowroot Powder benefits because they're incredibly easy to try and require only natural ingredients. Let us know which of these arrowroot powder hacks you have tried or will try. We'd love to hear more tricks like this from you!
