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The sofa is often the centrepiece of the living room, providing comfort and style to any space. However, with regular use, it's bound to accumulate dirt, stains, and even unpleasant odours. Keeping your sofa clean and spotless can be a daunting task, but with some tips and tricks from the pros, you can easily maintain its beauty and prolong its lifespan.

Here are some secrets to a spotless sofa:

Vacuum Regularly

Dirt and dust can quickly accumulate on your sofa, making it look dull and worn out. To prevent this, make sure to vacuum your sofa regularly, ideally once a week. Use a soft-bristled upholstery attachment to avoid damaging the fabric. Pay special attention to crevices and seams where dust and dirt tend to collect.

Blot Stains Immediately

Accidents happen, and spills are inevitable. When something spills on your sofa, it's important to act fast. Use a clean cloth or paper towel to blot the stain immediately, starting from the outside and working your way in to prevent it from spreading. Avoid rubbing or scrubbing, as this can damage the fabric or push the stain deeper into the fibres.

Use the Right Cleaning Solution

Different types of fabric require different cleaning solutions. Always refer to the care label attached to your sofa to determine the best cleaning method. If in doubt, test the cleaning solution on a small, inconspicuous area first to ensure it doesn't damage the fabric. For stubborn stains, consider hiring a professional upholstery cleaning Perth.

Deodorise with Baking Soda

If your sofa has an unpleasant odour, baking soda can help neutralise it. Sprinkle a generous amount of baking soda on the surface of your sofa and let it sit for 15-20 minutes. Then, use a vacuum cleaner to remove the baking soda, and your sofa will smell fresh and clean.

Protect Your Sofa

Prevention is key to keeping your sofa in top condition. Consider investing in a sofa cover to protect it from spills, stains, and pet hair. If you have pets, discourage them from using your sofa as a scratching post or bed. Also, avoid exposing your sofa to direct sunlight or heat sources, as this can cause the fabric to fade or shrink.

In conclusion, a spotless sofa requires regular maintenance and proper care. With these tips and tricks from the pros, you can keep your sofa looking and smelling great for years to come.


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