1. Personal

The Seven-Year Itch

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When Lora looked outside, a pretty sight greeted her.
Two white pigeons were snuggling on the tree outside her window.

She continued to gaze at the avian couple, though she felt she was intruding their privacy.
Their antics reminded her of her first date with Krish.
She had felt great with him.
Soon, they had got married.
Seven years had passed.
She had lost interest in her marriage…

Cacophony interrupted her thoughts.

Another white pigeon had entered the frame and had disturbed the couple.
The three birds were flying in different directions.

The new arrival reminded Lora of the latest development in her life.
She had met Krish and his wife at the restaurant.
The two looked cozy and happily married.
Seven years ago, Krish and Lora had got married, but to different people.

Dissatisfied with having married the man her parents' chose and suffering from the seven-year itch, Lora felt Krish was her medicine.
The pigeons tugged at her heartstrings.
Hope for love and attention intoxicated her senses.
Lora was ready to pay any price.

Do you support people like Lora? If she does succeed as a homewrecker and earns Krish's affection, what's the guarantee that either of them won't suffer from the seven-year itch again?

175 Words Story
Linking with #FFfAW-133. Photo Prompt by @wildverbs
& #BlogAThon – Seven-Year Itch


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