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The problem

With love

In this social age

Is how it begins

Like the onset of spring

With those incorrigible rainshowers

Ones that never stop bursting 

Out of that dark cloud

And have every intention

To wet your insides

And leave you vulnerable

With a bit of ecstasy

Mingled with an overflow of emotions

It begins with too much ease

Unexpected, pacing, and 

Grunting heavily,

As it gains up on you

Like that creepy witch

Sneaking up on you

Trying to catch you unawares

And bring you down

And push you,

To the depths of your despair

At that fine opportune moment

When you stop listening

Or paying heed,

To what your mind says

Because you are smitten, already

And when the push comes to shove

You have a hard time

Biting the reality

Coming to terms with the harsh truth

It isn’t easy

And it happens

And it’s nobody’s fault really

It’s just that

Sometimes, rather

Most of the times,

In this world,

People are at a loss,

About how to love,

Or they have forgotten,

What is feels,

To be loved


It’s the celebratory romances,

That have overpowered the truths

That you and I,

Might face, out here

In this world,

Maybe we aren’t inclined to last,

But whatever the age maybe,

I wouldn’t want anybody to feel

What I feel tonight,

What it is to love

And what it is to have lost

I am sad, today

But here’s hoping,

That this too,

Shall pass..
