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The scripts used and overall development of the site will usually determine the operating system on which the web servers are running. This ultimately has a direct effect on a user’s decision to choose a Linux web hosting account or a service offered by Windows. 

The technical benefits of Linux web hosting not only revolves around price but the reliability of the servers as well. The abundance of highly affordable scripts and add-ons enable these platforms to be transformed into superior servers. 

The Environment of Linux Hosting 

Earlier we briefly touched on what is perhaps the biggest attraction of Linux hosting – the reputation of being a LAMP server. Now that you are familiar with the abbreviation, let us now go over each component and explain how they advance the experience of Linux hosting. 

The Linux Operating System – You will find that the Linux operating system comes in many variations that are distributed by numerous vendors. This allows the system to stay current and offer its users great solutions to the common woes of web hosting. Though Linux was based on the pre-existing functions of Unix, several developers today are now configuring their operating systems to mimic the characteristics of Linux.

The Aid of Apache – The Apache server itself was designed to work as an open-source platform to assist operating systems such as Linux, Unix and Windows. Its purpose is to provide a secure server that is highly extensive and effective. Apache offers the benefits HTTP that allow a web host to flourish and offer its clients quality service.

The MySQL Database – The use of the MySQL database alone speaks volumes on the behalf of Linux web hosting. This system is the key component for millions of websites, powering top notch industry names such as Yahoo, NASA, the Associated Press and many more. MySQL has received worldwide recognition include the 2004 “Product of the Year”, awarded by Developer.com. This incredible system is famed for its speed scalability. The MySQL database is the ideal tool for large corporations, website programmers and vendors alike.

The Use of PHP – PHP can be considered a web veteran. This script has been around since the beginning of the web and is still the most commonly used script to create web pages. PHP betters Linux web hosting because nearly every application has been developed to support it. 

What to Look For in Linux Hosting?

Regardless of what service you choose to power your site, there will always be important elements you need to look for. Here is the checklist you should make handy when evaluating web hosting provided by Linux:

Administrative Control 

This first area should certainly rank as a high priority on your list. The administrative area or control panel is the function that allows you to effectively manage your website. Many Linux hosting services offer cPanel, an application that is growing quite popular. This makes managing your website very easy and limits a user’s need for the support team. When selecting a Linux web host, you certainly will want to inquire about the level of administrative control. 

Email Accounts and Aliases

Like all web hosting, your service with Linux should include extensive email functions. Being able to assign aliases to an account is important for someone looking to operate a business on the Linux server. The number of email domains will typically vary depending on the exact details of your package. 

FTP Capability

Your Linux web hosting service will also require the use of an FTP client. This will enable you to perform site modifications that require the uploading of files, making routine updates and more. The use of FTP is typically a feature of the control panel. A Linux web host should be able to supply a variety of FTP clients so that users can distribute and direct their visitors to directories that are password protected. If your website is intended to be one that requires frequent downloading and file transferring procedures, the use of FTP is an absolute must.

Backup Features

The integration of Apache makes Linux a very dependable server. At the same time users must remain realistic. Having the ability to backup your content simply cannot be stressed enough. Be sure that your Linux web hosting package comes equipped with some type of automatic backup system. 


Here is the feature a savvy webmaster looks for – web statistics. You can learn a lot from the surfing patterns of your visitors. Having the ability to view the number of visits will help you plan for the future while working on methods to improve the site. 


Though it is a fact that Linux hosting is known for spacious servers, different hosting plans will come with different amounts of bandwidth. This may be somewhat difficult to determine in the beginning, but it is still crucial to the lifeline of your website. A quality Linux web host should have documentation regarding the rate of bandwidth that can be accessed before purchasing service. 

Support for MySQL and PHP 

All Linux web hosting packages include the use of the MySQL database and PHP scripts. Since these are a few of the basic essentials, MySQL and PHP should be a free inclusion of the Linux hosting plan. Users must be aware that a few Linux vendors will charge an extra fee for the luxury of this powerful database and common web script. Become familiar with industry standards before making the full commitment to a Linux web host. 

Web Mail

Web mail gives users more advantages than the typical email account; it enables one to receive and send messages through popular mail servers such as Squirelmail and Horde. Many individuals are content with using services such as Yahoo or Hotmail to manage their accounts; most corporations and business minded users prefer to use applications such as Outlook Express which requires the aid of Web Mail and its component, SMTP. You should certainly take interest in this feature to effectively communicate with your clients. 

Spam Protection

Nothing has been more of an annoyance than spam. Any individual with an email account is a prime target for this unsolicited mail. Spam attacks are inevitable – it’s a must that you protect your email accounts with software to filter out the junk. Many Linux web hosting packages will come readily available with useful applications such as Spam Assassin. 

SSL Support

This last area is important to confidentiality of your clients. If monetary transactions are made on your site it is imperative to have the support of a SSL server. You should certainly inquire about the additional fees that may be involved to implement SSL into your Linux hosting

REMEMBER – To enable this type of security one must first purchase a Digital SSL certificate. SSL also requires the support of a web host operating on a Dedicated IP.

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