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Effective communication of a trade organization's brand message is crucial in this modern era. This idea is applicable to small, medium, and large enterprises alike, thus emphasizing the value of a logo design and making it more relevant. A logo is a parametric element that sets one brand or corporation apart from another. Any type of error in a logo's design has the potential to significantly reduce its brand value. So, every regular or custom logo design company in Dubai has to avoid the below-discussed mistakes in order to provide its customer s a professional logo design.


Three typical Mistakes in Logo Design that all Designers Should be Aware of


1. Design Complexity

It's common knowledge that difficult patterns tend to look less appealing when printed in small sizes.

Many designers think that a complex logo makes it seem better.  It has been shown, nonetheless, that simpler logo designs tend to draw in the most amount of attention. A company logo needs to be present on practically all business items. Thus, its design needs to be clever and uncomplicated so that it maintains its beauty even when it is reduced in size.

Since a company's logo is how people identify it, it makes sense to design it to reflect the unique commercial approach of the company. Upon examining well-known logo designs such as those of Puma, Nike, and Domino's, it is evident that a minimalistic logo effectively showcases the artist's creation and leaves a lasting impression on spectators.

The intricate logo design that is seen below doesn't seem to have any effect on viewers.


2. Bad Use of Colors

Using an abrupt color scheme is one of the most prevalent mistakes made by most logo designers.  Some designers are just unable to resist the need to add colors to their logos before the design is finished.

But doing so merely undermines the logo's originality and inventiveness. Perhaps the final stage of the design process should be coloring the logo, if the guidance of professionals is any guide. As such, it seems sensible to start the design process with a simple black-and-white color scheme.

Additionally, experimenting with numerous color schemes, hues, and variations of the logo design guarantees that the company's overarching vision, identity, and brand are not compromised. An illustration of a poor color palette used in a logo design is shown below.


3. Poor choice of fonts

Selecting an appropriate font is considered as significant. Poor font choice can occasionally cause even the most well-designed logos to lack attractiveness.

But when it comes to choosing fonts for a logo, there are no hard and fast guidelines for designers. However, in order to properly create a creatively inspired logo design, it is sense to find a balance between the logo's design and its fonts.


These are just a handful of the numerous typical design errors that graphic artists must be aware of when producing even a polished logo.

Apart from all that, if you are in search of professional logo design services, read client reviews, ask for previous project samples, review their pricing plans, then order your logo.
