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The Top 5 Most Effective Possum-Proofing Tips from a Wildlife Removal Expert

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Are you tired of pesky possums invading your yard and causing a ruckus? Look no further! Possum Removal Narre Warren has got the inside scoop from a wildlife removal expert on the top 5 most effective tips to keep those critters out for good. From simple DIY solutions to professional techniques, these possum-proofing tips are guaranteed to give you peace of mind and protect your property. Read on to learn how to say goodbye to those furry intruders once and for all!

Introduction and Overview of Possums

Possums are nocturnal animals that are closely related to opossums. They are about the size of a house cat and have a pointed snout and long, prehensile tail. Possums are found in North America, Central America, and South America. There are more than 60 species of possums.

Possums are opportunistic feeders and will eat just about anything they can find. This includes garbage, pet food, birds’ eggs, and even small animals. Possums will also enter homes through holes in the foundation or roofline in search of food or shelter. Once inside, they can create havoc by urinating and defecating on floors and furniture, chewing on wires and insulation, and tearing up ductwork.

Possums can be a nuisance to homeowners, but they can also pose a threat to public health and safety. Possums can carry fleas, lice, mites, and ticks which can transmit diseases to humans and pets. They can also host rabies viruses in their saliva which is dangerous to both humans and other animals if transmitted.

If you suspect you have a possum problem on your hands, it’s important to take action quickly to remove them from your property before they cause further damage or harm. Here are some tips for possum-proofing your home:

What Are The Most Common Signs That You Have a Possum Problem?

There are several signs that indicate you may have a possum problem. The most common signs are:

1. Possum droppings in your yard or near your home
2. Possums raiding your trash cans or pet food bowls
3. Damage to your garden or landscaping from possums foraging for food
4. Sightings of possums during the day, which is unusual since they are typically nocturnal animals

If you notice any of these signs, it’s important to take action to Possum-Proof your home and property as soon as possible. Otherwise, the problem is likely to continue and even worsen over time.

How Does a Professional Wildlife Removal Expert Deal with Possums?

When it comes to possums, the best offense is a good defense. That’s why the number one tip for possum-proofing your home is to remove any potential food sources that might attract them in the first place. That means keeping your garbage cans clean and tightly sealed, not leaving pet food outside, and picking up any fallen fruit from trees or bushes on your property.

If you do find yourself with a possum problem, the best thing to do is call a professional wildlife removal expert. They will have the experience and equipment necessary to safely and humanely remove the animals from your property. Once they’re gone, be sure to take steps to prevent them from coming back, like repairing any holes or cracks in your home’s foundation or sealing off entry points to your attic or crawl spaces.

The Top 5 Most Effective Possum-Proofing Tips from an Expert

If you are dealing with a possum problem, you need to take action to possum-proof your home. Here are the top five most effective tips from a wildlife removal expert:

1. Seal up all openings. Possums can squeeze through incredibly small spaces, so it’s important to seal up any cracks or holes in your foundation, walls, or roof. Check around your chimney, vents, and plumbing fixtures for gaps and repair them with caulk or hardware cloth.

2. Install barriers. If possums are getting into your yard, put up a fence or other barrier to keep them out. Choose a material that they can’t chew through, like metal or PVC fencing.

3. Remove food sources. If you’re feeding your pets outdoors, bring their food inside to avoid attracting possums (and other wildlife). Pick up fallen fruit from trees and clean up any spilled garbage immediately.

4. Keep your trash cans secure. Possums will rummage through garbage cans in search of food, so make sure they’re tightly sealed. Better yet, invest in heavy-duty trash cans with locking lids.

5. Get rid of water sources. Possums are attracted to standing water, so eliminate any sources of water on your property, such as leaky faucets, ponds, and bird baths

Other Measures You Can Take to Deal with Possums

There are a few other measures you can take to deal with possums:

-Remove potential food sources from your property. This includes pet food, garbage, and fallen fruit from trees.

-Trim back vegetation around your home to remove hiding spots for possums.

-Repair any holes or cracks in your home’s foundation or exterior that might provide entry points for possums.

-Install a Possum Proof Fence™ around your property to create an impenetrable barrier against possums.


Possums can be a nuisance, but with the right possum-proofing measures in place you can keep them away from your property. From using physical barriers to setting up deterrents such as lights and sound machines, there are plenty of ways to prevent possums from entering your home or garden. With these top 5 most effective possum-proofing tips from a wildlife removal expert, you will now have all the knowledge needed to effectively deter these pesky animals!
