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Braces are a common orthodontic treatment for those looking to straighten their teeth and improve their smile. While wearing braces, it is essential to maintain good oral hygiene and follow a healthy diet. Certain foods can cause damage to the braces or interfere with the treatment's effectiveness. In this article, we will go through the top foods to avoid during braces treatment and why.

Foods to Avoid During Braces Treatment

There are certain foods that are not advisable to consume during the dental braces treatment, such as sticky and sugary treats, such as candy and gum; hard and crunchy foods, like popcorn, nuts, and ice; chewy and gummy foods, such as caramels, licorice, and chewy fruit snacks, starchy foods, like chips, pretzels, and crackers. Some of the primary foods that you must certainly avoid include:

  • Sticky and Sugary Treats: Sticky and sugary treats can get caught in the braces and cause damage to the brackets or wires. Over time, the sugar in these foods can also lead to tooth decay and gum disease, making it even more important to avoid these foods during braces treatment.
  • Hard and Crunchy Foods: Hard and crunchy foods can cause damage to the braces, including breaking or bending the wires or brackets. Eating these types of foods can also slow down the progress of the treatment and lengthen the time needed to complete it.
  • Chewy and Gummy Foods: Chewy and gummy foods can stick to the braces and cause damage, making it important to avoid them during treatment. These foods can also get trapped in the braces, making it difficult to clean them properly and leading to plaque buildup.
  • Starchy Foods: Starchy foods like chips, pretzels, and crackers can get stuck in the braces and cause damage, slowing down the treatment's progress. These types of foods can also lead to tooth decay and gum disease, so it's important to limit their consumption during treatment.
  • Foods High in Sugar: Foods high in sugar, such as soda, sports drinks, and energy drinks, can cause tooth decay and gum disease, making it important to avoid them during braces treatment. The sugar in these drinks can also get caught in the braces and cause damage, slowing down the treatment's progress.


Q: Can I still eat sugary foods if I brush my teeth right after?

A: No, brushing your teeth after eating sugary foods will not prevent the damage they can cause to your braces. The best way to protect your braces is to avoid these foods altogether.

Q: Are there any alternatives to sugary drinks?

A: Yes, water and unsweetened tea are great alternatives to sugary drinks. They are also better for your overall health and won't cause damage to your braces.

Q: Can I still eat crunchy fruits and vegetables?

A: Yes, crunchy fruits and vegetables like apples, carrots, and celery are okay to eat during braces treatment. Just be sure to cut them into smaller pieces to avoid damaging the braces.


Braces are a great way to improve your smile and straighten your teeth, but it's important to take care of your braces while undergoing treatment. We at Teeth Care Multispeciality Dental Clinic advises our patients with the complete list of food that is not safe during the treatment.


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