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Workplace cleanliness and hygiene have become even more important than ever, due to the after-effects of the pandemic. But it’s important to embrace workplace cleaning trends so you can keep your office in tip-top shape on your terms.

And though it might be tempting to call disinfection cleaning services, Melbourne businesses should hold fire, and consider how they can employ cleaning trends in their own workplace. 

So in this blog, we’re going to cover the top workplace cleaning trends you should look out for!

Increased Demand for Disinfection Cleaning Services

With the lingering concern of COVID-19 and other illnesses, the demand for disinfection services has skyrocketed. These services involve using specialised cleaning solutions and equipment to disinfect surfaces and items within the workplace. Disinfection cleaning services are more effective in killing germs and viruses than traditional cleaning methods. As such, businesses should invest in these services to protect their employees’ well-being and safety.

Implementation of Social Distancing Measures

Social distancing measures have become normal in most workplaces around the world. It involves keeping a safe distance from colleagues, clients, and customers. Social distancing measures can effectively reduce the spread of germs, which can lead to illnesses of varying kinds. Businesses should continue to implement these measures even after the pandemic subsides.

Use of Technology in Cleaning

Technology advancements have made it better to clean workplaces more efficiently and effectively. For instance, the use of UV-C technology can help cleaners disinfect surfaces. UV-C technology involves ultraviolet light killing off any lingering germs. Businesses can also invest in autonomous cleaning robots that use artificial intelligence to clean and disinfect workplaces.

Green Cleaning

Green cleaning refers to the use of cleaning techniques and supplies that are environmentally friendly. Businesses have embraced this approach in recent years, as it helps reduce carbon footprint and create a healthier work environment for employees.

Outsourcing of Cleaning Services

Outsourcing cleaning services has become a common trend in many workplaces. It involves hiring professional cleaning companies to clean and maintain the workplace. In addition to ensuring a clean and healthy workplace, outsourcing cleaning services also helps businesses save time and money.


In conclusion, workplace cleanliness and hygiene have become even more crucial in the current climate. Investing in the trends outlined in this blog benefits the employees, as it improves productivity and efficiency in the workplace.

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