1. Beauty

The Ultimate Guide to Buying an IPL Hair Removal Device from Ketchbeauty

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IPL hair removal or intense pulsed light treatment is one way to remove unwanted hair, as well as treat pigmented or vascular lesions. By using a broad spectrum of light, IPL can target darker hairs.

Just like wearing black on a sunny day can make you hot, black hair will absorb light, heat up, and be destroyed at the root.

IPL treatments have one major advantage over hair removal techniques such as waxing or waxing: they are permanent.

Any treated live hair follicles are completely destroyed and will not grow back. Like Ketchbeauty, our IPL device for permanent hair removal works best on dark hair and may not work on light hair.

As soon as your IPL treatment is complete, your unwanted hair will be permanently reduced.

IPL stands for Intense Pulsed Light and is a type of light treatment that uses intense pulses of light to stimulate or treat various problems in the skin.

Sometimes people think of IPL as a laser because they can do similar things, but they are not the same. We wouldn't have created the device if we weren't absolutely sure that IPL is the future of hair removal.

Now the future is here – and with it, the answers to all your most pressing questions. How does IPL work? We will give you the best answer to this question.

How does IPL work?


So the answer is “What is an IPL?” – Now for details. Our IPL hair removal device works by a pigment in the hair called melanin: like a dark curtain on a hot day, melanin helps hairs absorb light from the flash, stimulating the hairs to enter a resting phase.

This leaves you with smooth, hair-free skin. So how to remove hair with IPL at home like? Using Ketchbeauty is very simple:

  • Shave, pluck or pluck the area to be waxed.
  • If you choose to use tweezers or wax, be sure to do so the day before your treatment.
  • Choose a light intensity that matches your skin tone.
  • Turn on the device and wait for the “ready to flash” light to come on.
  • Press the “flash” button. Continue to the next location!

It takes you less than 8.5 minutes to perform lower leg hair removal with the Ketchbeauty IPL hair removal device. When the hair stops growing back, you can skip shaving and simply use the device to keep your skin smooth.

To see positive results right from the start, use the IPL hair removal device every two weeks for the first four treatments. After that, you'll only need to make minor tweaks every 4-8 weeks.

Are our IPL Hair Removal Machine Offers a Cost-Effective Method?


Of course, in addition to the above benefits, you will definitely enjoy financial benefits when doing IPL hair removal treatments at home. After all, salon treatments are more expensive, less private, and must be scheduled to fit a busy lifestyle.

As a result, you will see many financial advantages of at-home IPL compared to the total annual cost of in-salon hair removal treatments. At home, Ketchbeauty's IPL hair removal device removes hair on all areas of the body in just one treatment, including small areas that you don't necessarily have to pay for in a salon like the chin and upper lip. And its average lifespan of 15 years means your savings will only grow over time.

Why Ketchbeauty IPL hair removal machine is a smart choice?


Ketchbeauty is one of the latest IPL hair removal machines designed to deliver the fastest hair removal results. It was developed by dermatologists and offers three different comfort modes allowing for gentle and precise treatment of sensitive areas such as the bikini line and underarms.

In this device, the technology reads skin color continuously, adjusting the light intensity to suit the user for the safest and most effective results. Ketchbeauty IPL devices provide UV protection to prevent any damage to your skin.

The Ketchbeauty IPL hair Removal device is suitable for both men and women and delivers visible results in less than five minutes, thanks to three comfort modes that work precisely on small and large areas of hair.



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