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This guide illustrates the dos and don’ts when installing and maintaining cladding for your home or business premises.

When installing non-combustible aluminium cladding, there are a few important things you need to keep in mind. You may have seen cladding, but you may not know what it is. It can be found in nearly all buildings, commercial or residential and it is a system that is frequently used to improve the appearance of a building, protecting the property against various elements and increasing thermal energy. If you are new to cladding and wish to know more about cladding, we have developed this guide to help you clad your property. Read on as we discuss some of the dos and don’ts when it comes to cladding.

The Dos

When cladding your property, the dos are simple. When your cladding is being installed, and when it is installed, it is wise to keep the following dos in mind.

Do hire a professional façade consultant

A professional consultant will review the installation and design of your cladding and ensure it is made to the exact specifications. Without the knowledge and advice of a professional consultant, you might find yourself installing cladding that does not complement your building. You can even find yourself spending more money than necessary.

Ensure enough setting space between your building and cladding

The setting space is the space between the building and the back of the cladding. Enough setting space is needed to hold your cladding in the right place as sheet metallic anchors require a fair amount of room to get the most out of your modern cladding solutions. You do not want your cladding to fall or to be damaged during bad weather.

Do a special inspection

Many cladding types such as stone, brick or aluminium require a special inspection before installation. This inspection is more thorough than usual.

The don’ts

When installing your cladding, there are some things you do not have to do. Do not leave your cladding to chance. Do not avoid doing inspections. Do not take your installer's work at face value and do not try to juggle the cladding complexities yourself especially when a building makes use of different types of cladding and can be difficult to follow the installation. A consultant will help you with this. If your contractor says that there are no mistakes, do not believe them. You should always check for loose anchor points, the material quality and the setting space in your building.

Maintaining your cladding

It is unavoidable that with time, your cladding will face a little wear and tear. Grime and dirt can build up but there is a simple solution. You need to maintain your cladding through the use of technology that blasts away grime and dirt to reveal sophisticated cladding underneath.

When installing

For non-combustible aluminium cladding, it is essential to develop a regular maintenance and repair plan. This keeps your structure looking great. It is also safe and protects against damage. By using technology that is easy to use, maintenance will become simple. Where a professional is required, hire the right one.
