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Robot vacuum cleaners have become increasingly popular in recent years due to their convenience and time-saving benefits. These small, intelligent devices can help keep your floors clean without you having to lift a finger. If you are considering purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner, you may have some questions about how they work, their features, and its limitations. 

In this blog post, we will answer some of the most frequently asked questions about robot vacuum cleaners.

How do robot vacuum cleaners work?

Robot vacuum cleaners are designed to move autonomously around your home and clean your floors. They use sensors to detect obstacles and navigate around them. The sensors also help them to detect when they have reached the edges of the room and when they need to change direction.

The cleaning mechanism varies depending on the model, but most robot vacuum cleaners have a combination of brushes, suction, and filters to clean the floor. Some models also come with additional features such as mopping or UV sterilization.

Can robot vacuum cleaners clean all types of floors?

Robot Vacuum Cleaner can clean most types of floors, including hardwood, tile, and carpet. However, some models may not be suitable for certain types of flooring, such as high-pile carpeting. Before purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner, it is important to check the manufacturer's specifications to ensure it is suitable for your flooring type.

How long do robot vacuum cleaners run?

The battery life of robot vacuum cleaners varies depending on the model and the features it comes with. Most robot vacuum cleaners run for around 60-90 minutes before they need to be recharged. Some models come with a docking station that automatically charges the robot vacuum when it is not in use.

Do robot vacuum cleaners require a lot of maintenance?

Robot vacuum cleaners require some maintenance to keep them working efficiently. The brushes and filters need to be cleaned or replaced regularly to prevent them from becoming clogged with dirt and debris. It is also important to empty the dustbin after each use to ensure the robot vacuum cleaner can continue to pick up dirt effectively. Some models come with self-cleaning brushes and filters to reduce the amount of maintenance required.

Are robot vacuum cleaners noisy?

The best robot vacuum cleaner is generally quieter than traditional vacuum cleaners, but they do make some noise. The noise level varies depending on the model and the features it comes with. Some models are designed to be quieter than others, so it is important to check the manufacturer's specifications before purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner if noise is a concern.

Can robot vacuum cleaners navigate stairs?

Robot vacuum cleaners are not able to navigate stairs, so they need to be manually carried to a different floor if you want them to clean there. Some models come with sensors that can detect when the robot vacuum cleaner is about to fall down stairs and stop it from doing so.

Can robot vacuum cleaners be scheduled to clean automatically?

Yes, most robot vacuum cleaners can be programmed to clean automatically at specific times of the day or week. This is a convenient feature that allows you to set and forget your robot vacuum cleaner, ensuring your floors are always clean without you having to remember to turn them on.

How much do robot vacuum cleaners cost?

The cost of robot vacuum cleaners varies depending on the model and the features it comes with. Entry-level models can cost as little as $100, while high-end models with advanced features can cost upwards of $1,000. It is important to consider your budget and the features you require before purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner.


In conclusion, robot vacuum cleaners are a convenient and time-saving tool for keeping your floors clean. When purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner, it is important to consider factors such as your budget, the type of flooring in your home, and the features you require. By answering some of the most frequently asked questions about robot vacuum cleaners, we hope this blog post has provided you with the information you need to make an informed decision when purchasing a robot vacuum cleaner.

If you are in search of a robot vacuum cleaner in UK then contact Atlantic Electrics. We are a leading home electrical store that offers all types of home and kitchen appliances in London. Browse our store now!

Name: Atlantic Electrics

Address: 970 North Circular Road, London NW2 7JR

Contact No: 208-208-6999


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