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The Ultimate List of Canada Work Permit Benefits Do’s and Don’ts

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Benefits of getting a Canadian work permit:

  • Get valuable work experience in Canada
  • Earn more money than in your home country
  • Improve your language skills by learning new skills
  • Exposure to Canadian culture and work customs
  • The possibility of permanent residency or citizenship

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Do's and Don'ts for obtaining a Canadian work permit:

You should check the eligibility requirements of the work permit that you intend to apply for.

  • Send a complete, accurate and detailed application
  • You should apply for your work permit at least a month before you plan to start.
  • Track the expiry date of your work permit and, if needed, apply for an extension.
  • Learn about Canadian workplace safety and labour laws
  • Do's and Don'ts for obtaining a Canadian work permit:

You can't overstay your work permit expiration date

Work without a valid permit to work or engage in unauthorized work activities

You must disclose all relevant information when you apply for a work permit, including any criminal convictions or immigration violations.

Try to mislead Canadian immigration officials, or give false information in your application

Assume that getting a work permit will automatically guarantee permanent residence or citizenship.

Important: The benefits, dos and don'ts for obtaining a Canadian work permit may differ depending on the type of permit you apply for and your personal circumstances. For personalized guidance and advice, it's best to consult a qualified immigration attorney or consultant.

Lebiz Canada can assist you with obtaining a work permit for Canada. Our team can help you navigate the application process and find a job offer from a Canadian employer. Contact us for more information.


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