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This blog by the top web designing company in Ahmedabad brings you the ultimate checklist for the best website development. 


It is essential to have a website to reach new customers and promote your products or services as a business. However, not all websites are created equal. There are a few key things that you should keep in mind when designing or redesigning your website.


If you're looking to design or redesign a website, it's essential to make sure that everything is in order before you launch. 


Moreover, a website design company in Ahmedabad can help you create a checklist of items to review before your website goes live. This checklist can include everything from your website's overall design and layout to the functionality and SEO of individual pages. 


The Ultimate Checklist By Web Designing Company In Ahmedabad


1. Ensuring Your Website Has SSL Certificate


You need to make sure your SSL certificate works when you run a website. This is because if it doesn't, your website will be vulnerable to cyberattacks. To ensure your SSL certificate is working, you need to test it. 


Further, having an SSL Certificate will enable the customer to place their trust in you, and if you are an ecommerce store, they will carry out online transactions. The web designing company in Ahmedabad will ensure that your website's SSL certificate is working properly. 


2. Have a contact page


Website owners often forget one of the essential pages on their website – the contact page. Moreover, a contact page allows customers and clients to contact you quickly, and it also provides a way for potential customers to learn more about your company and what you offer. 


Further, a contact page should include your brand's name, office address, contact number, and email. The web designing company in Ahmedabad will ensure that you have a contact page with an inquiry form to receive leads. 


3. Check your website's mobile device compatibility


As more and more people access the internet using their mobile devices, your website must be mobile-friendly. A website designed for mobile devices can be challenging to navigate and may not look good on a small screen. Any professional web designing company in Ahmedabad will indeed look after this element. 


4. Review your website's usability


Usability testing is a process of evaluating a website's usability.


Additionally, usability testing aims to find and fix problems that make it difficult for users to use a website. Moreover, there are several different methods for conducting usability testing that any Website Development Company in Ahmedabad will take care of. 


5. Include 404 pages


On a new website, 404 errors are unlikely. Nonetheless, a visitor may make a typing error or end up on a “Page Not Found” page. Create a personalized 404 page to avoid losing this client. Further, it enhances the customer experience.


6. Check that your URLs are correct


Before moving on to the next step in the website launching checklist, please ensure that all of the URLs on your live website are accurate.


7. Proofread your website's content 


You may have the best website design in the world, but if your content is poor, no one will stay long enough to appreciate it. Content is key when it comes to website success – it's what keeps people coming back for more, and it's what sells your products or services. 


A website with old information can look unprofessional and hurt a business's reputation. It's essential to check your website's content regularly to ensure accuracy and up-to-date. The web designing company in Ahmedabad will ensure that the content is updated and keyword-rich. 


8. Legal Compliance of your website


As a business owner, it is important to make sure your website is legally compliant. This means having terms of service (TOS) and privacy policy in place. 


A TOS outlines the rules between you and your users, while a privacy policy explains how you collect and use user data. Keeping these policies in can help you avoid legal problems in the future. You must also ensure that all relevant copyright rules are followed.


You also need to make sure that you follow all applicable copyright laws.


9. Have your website backup


It is essential to ensure that your website has backups in place in an emergency. If your site is down, you'll want to get it back up and running as soon as possible. Choose the best approach for backing up your website from the various options available. You can back up your website manually or use a backup plugin. Remember to check your backups on a regular basis to confirm that they are functioning properly.



In conclusion, following this website checklist will help ensure that your website is compelling and looks great. If you need a web designing company in Ahmedabadweb designing company in Ahmedabad, be sure to contact a professional website design company. 

