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Using celebrities to market your product seems like it would be a great way to build interest. Celebrities can use their star power, much like influencers, to draw in a wide audience. But do celebrity endorsements really build interest in your product or give consumers more reason to trust your brand? Or should you take a different route when partnering with a complete product education platform that also acts as a promotional video production company to enhance your marketing strategy? Here’s everything you need to know.

Are Celebrities Authorities for Marketing Products?

There are plenty of recent examples of brands making a massive marketing push, complete with teasers, in a celebrity collaboration to promote their products. The teasers don’t fully reveal the product and brand, fueling speculation. It’s an attempt to boost brand recognition and drive sales based on the celebrity’s name. Is it effective? Sure, a celebrity is known for their own personal achievements. But that doesn’t necessarily translate to the quality of the products they endorse. This is especially true if they can’t talk about the features, benefits, or even how to use it. Celebrities may be able to draw in an audience, but they aren’t experts in your industry.

What Is the Vampire Effect?

In marketing, the vampire effect refers to a celebrity stealing the spotlight during a commercial or other advertising effort. The vampire effect decreases brand recall when using a celebrity endorser compared to using an unknown but equally engaging endorser. In short, the celebrity overshadows the brand. While potential consumers may remember a commercial with a celebrity, they may not remember the product or brand the celebrity was endorsing. This is counterproductive, as the key to good advertising is for consumers to remember the product and brand, not the spokesperson. For this reason, simply relying on the star power of a celebrity alone to sell your product can often have the opposite of the intended effect.

Using Experts

Instead, your brand should partner with a full product education platform that offers the abilities of explainer video companies. This platform can help team your product up with an expert in the field, such as a chef for kitchenware products. These experts already know how to use your product as part of their job every day. Unlike celebrities or influencers, they can speak with authority about your product. Their experience qualifies them to give a credible review, even comparing and contrasting your products with competitors’ offerings. They can share first-hand examples and use cases, educating consumers with tips and tricks they’ve learned from real-world experience.

Building Consumer Trust

Finding the right product education platform with all the capabilities of an explainer video production company means building consumer trust through authentic video content. That doesn’t mean you have to ignore celebrities and influencers entirely. Pairing their star power and reach with the credibility of an expert means you get the best of both worlds. It’s an excellent strategy that can extend brand awareness while also educating consumers and building trust for your brand.

About The Desire Company

One of the keys to establishing authentic brand loyalty is building trust with consumers. It’s essential for thriving in the digital marketplace. From the FTC crackdown on fake reviews to the #deinfluencing trend, it’s clear that consumers value honest advice and real feedback more than ever. The Desire Company can help your brand level up from the usual product recommendations from celebrities, paid influencers, and pseudo-experts. The Desire Company is so much more than a standard video production company or creative agency. They’re a complete product education platform, combining content strategy, video embed technology, expert vetting and matching with their vast Pro Community, and media distribution. Partnering with The Desire Company means you get to tap into the vast knowledge of industry experts. The result? Stronger consumer confidence that drives conversions.

Learn how you can educate consumers and build trust with The Desire Company at https://brands.thedesirecompany.com

Original Source: https://bit.ly/3vbQhzi

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