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Thermography Testing-NDT

Introduction: Thermography testing is a harmless testing method that is used to detect infrared energy and find the minor temperature difference to help find out to deteriorate in equipment and assets.

Infrared Thermography is a scanning system and Infrared testing which works day or night. Thermography testing is a technique of measuring and checking the surface temperature.

How does Thermographic testing work?

Thermography is the process of determining the surface temperatures of electrical components, by using advanced infrared visual scanning technology. During a scan, a thermal camera is used to pick up heat traces. It is not visible to the eyes, allowing inspectors to detect heat differences by their color in the thermal picture.

Why use Thermographic testing?

Because components and connections degrade over time, their resistance increases, which is the reason for the increase in heat. Whether it’s due to an old connection or low-quality components, an increase in heat can be the reason for equipment failure and power waste. Thermography can find these temperature increases ahead of time.

Is Thermography Testing necessary?

There are many risks with electrical equipment shutdown. When your equipment shutdown due to temperature increase, equipment repairing and reinstalling the machine can be more costly. Components and connections failure can harm the employee and risk his life.

What is an Infrared Wave?

Electromagnetic Radiation is an Infrared wave and it's similar to Light Radiation. The wavelength of Infra-Red is longer than Red (700 nm) and is not visible to the human eye, for this reason, it is called Infra-Red (i.e. Inferior Frequency than Red Light).

Due to the fact that the amount of Infrared Radiation captured is equal to the amount of heat that has been Radiated from that area, IR cameras can be used to determine heat distribution.

 Infrared Thermography Testing:

Infrared radiation from any substance is captured by an infrared thermography sensor. A temperature heat distribution image is displayed on the screen. The human can’t see the radiation.

Advantages of Thermography testing 

  • It is a non-contactable technology that helps in protecting the user. Thermographic testing is can be dangerous because it is done on extreme-temperature surfaces. 
  • It provides a two-dimensional image which helps in doing the comparison between the two objects and surfaces. 
  • It provides on-time data which helps in getting real-time results. This is possible because of the high-speed scanning system.
  • Thermography testing is non-harmful as it is infrared waves that are safe for humans. So it can be used as many times as it is needed.
  • Thermography is a Non-contact technique. Which does not affect the object in any way because we don’t need to touch or move the object/Subject.

There are different types of Thermography:

  • Passive Thermography: It involves scanning a component while it is in operation or immediately afterward. There is no need for an external heat source; heat is generated in the material during the operation.
  • Active Thermography: It uses an external heat source to heat the component and measures the heat flow inside the component.

How do I know if my facility needs testing?

  • You can notice an increase in energy consumption without increasing the use of equipment.
  • You can notice if equipment slows down. 
  • The light is low when your equipment is started.
  • Your equipment is hotter than usual.


Thermography is the most effective technique and it is increasing in popularity for NDT applications because of technology improvement and acceptance of new techniques by the industry.

If you are looking for services like Thermography testing then you should definitely check out Wire Consultants one of the best service providers in this area. Wire Consultants has a wide range of experience and expertise.


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