1. Pets

Things to Consider When Giving An All-Seed Diet To Pet Birds

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In the wild, birds have a wide array of choices concerning their food. They could eat worms, insects, vegetables, fruits, and grains. They only eat seeds when all of these are unavailable. Seeds can be an essential nutrient source for birds, but not one of the available seeds and seed mix could complete their nutritional needs.

In general, birds are resistant to any type of changes, including their diets. So if you give them an all-seed diet, they might develop an addiction towards this. This addiction to a specific type of food is one of the survival behaviors of the birds. It prevents them from eating poisonous foods.

If they develop seed-diet addiction, they might not get all the nutrients they need to survive. This is brought about by their addiction with only one type of seed too. If they develop this preference, they would not eat other types of seed. Thus, their nutrition will be compromised.

A sudden change in your pet's appetite and/or eating habits should warrant a visit to your animal care clinic Lexington, KY.



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