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Umrah is the trip that brings the most happiness and satisfaction to both the traveller and the person he or she left behind. Being on this holy trip is a sign of respect from the Almighty, and being a guest of Allah is a great honour.

When pilgrims go on Umrah or Hajj, it is common for them to bring gifts for their families, neighbours, close friends, and other loved ones back to their home country. There are a lot of companies in the UK and London that offer umrah package for two persons, but you should choose the best one. The best company will give you food, hotels in Makkah and Madinah, flights, a visa, and private transportation.

Even small gifts from the holy land are admired because they come from there. They are kept as a sign of respect and prestige by the person who gets them. Some of the things a pilgrim should buy for himself and for giving as gifts to close friends and family are useful and nice-looking at the same time, and people will surely admire them.

Ajwa dates are the only kind that Prophet Muhammad SAWW himself planted. So this date has a lot of blessings and benefits because its plant has had the honour of being touched by the most holy hands in the world. Not only are these dates good for your health and have many other benefits, but they also make a great gift to bring back to your home country. Most of the time, almost all pilgrims bring dates back to their homes. Ajwa dates are special because they are more expensive than other dates. Dates are given as gifts or served when people come to meet someone who has been on Umrah to the holy land.

 Not only are dates served or given as gifts to close friends and family, but so is ZamZam water. ZamZam water is magical water, so you can't deny that it has benefits. Aside from what Muslims think, science has shown that the water from the ZamZam well is good for your health. All pilgrims who go to Masjid al Haram for Umrah take water from ZamZam in cans and bottles.

“herb” is what the Arabic word “boti” means in English. Herbs are healthy in every way and have been used to treat diseases for a very long time. Even in the advanced world of today, herbs have been used to treat many diseases. It is a plant that grows in Madinah and is best for people who have trouble getting pregnant. The herb has been called “Nabi Boti” because Prophet Muhammad SAWW himself picked it from the ground when a person came to him for advice and asked him to give him a child. At that time, a Wahi came down to pick the herb. Prophet Muhammad SAWW gives it to the person, and he is able to have a child. The herb is best for couples who are having trouble having children 

The names of these herbs are very close to what they do, like how “Sugar Boti” is good for people with diabetes. Diabetes is a disease in which the pancreas can't make enough insulin, which is needed to get sugar from food. It can help keep the body's sugar level in check.

This herb is best given to pregnant women as a gift because it can help them deal with labour pains and speed up the process.

It wouldn't be wrong to say that Itar is a gift from the Saudi Kingdom, because the Itar sold in Madinah and Makkah has a unique scent. Since the cities are in the House of the Almighty, they sell non-alcoholic Itar. They cost less and smell strong enough to last for a long time. You can give it to a man in your family as a lovely gift.

Other things that should be brought home as gifts are gold, jewellery, amber, stones, especially the most valuable ones

5-Sandalwood, 6-Miswaak (an herb used to clean teeth), jewellery made with it, rosaries made of silver, nuts, and a lot of other things like them.

Just so you know, many companies offer bad flights and only let you carry 23 kg in the family umrah packages 2023. So, when you book an Umrah package, I think you should tell the travel agent to book an airline that can carry more than 30 kgs.




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