1. Health

Things to remember and take care of when you have a dental emergency

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An emergency is any dental condition that requires quick attention to halt bleeding, relieve extreme pain, or save a tooth. This is especially true for any serious infections that can be life-threatening.

Why should you seek out emergency dental care right away?

  1. You'll have a better chance of keeping your teeth. The sooner you seek emergency dental care following a dental accident, the more likely your dentist will be able to save or restore your tooth. Try to bring all fragments of the tooth, even if it's been totally knocked out.

  2. Avoid dealing with unnecessary suffering. The longer you wait to get treatment, the more you will suffer needlessly. An emergency dentist can give you treatment as well as pain medication right away.

  3. Reduce your chances of becoming infected. Any form of damage raises the risk of infection. The longer a disease goes untreated, the more damage it can cause. A mouth infection that goes untreated can spread to other regions of your body and make you very ill.



Some of the emergencies are:

  • Bleeding that won’t stop

  • Painful swelling in the mouth

  • Pain in a tooth, teeth or jaw 

  • A gum infection

  • Broken or knocked-out teeth

  • Snipping braces 

  • Lost filling or crown



Some Home Remedies could aid in the early stages of tooth problems

  1. Using saltwater, try to rinse your mouth.

  2. Tea Tree oil: put a few drops of Tea Tree oil on a cotton swab and hold it in your mouth for a few minutes before rinsing it out.

  3. Apple Cider Vinegar: Dab the affected area with a cotton ball soaked with apple cider vinegar.

  4. Cloves / Clove Oil is a traditional treatment. Place a clove against the sore spot until the pain subsides.

  5. Cover the infected area with an ice pack with a towel.



Types of dental emergencies

Being prepared for a dental emergency, whether in regular circumstances or a survival crisis, is on par with being medically prepared and pandemic prepared.

Broken Tooth

To relieve discomfort, rinse your mouth with warm salt water if one of your teeth is cracked or fractured. Make an appointment with an emergency dentist very away, as this is a problem that can only be treated by an emergency dentist.

Lost Filling or Crown

While losing a filling or crown may appear to be insignificant, it is one of the most common dental emergencies that need immediate care. 

Toothache ache

One of the most common reasons individuals seek emergency dental care is toothaches. Any tooth discomfort, however, should not be disregarded, and you should get treatment from a dentist as soon as possible.

Bleeding gums

Gum bleeding is a dental emergency that might indicate a greater problem. That's why you'll require emergency dental care to get to the bottom of the issue.

An abscessed tooth

It is one of the most excruciating dental emergencies since the pain doesn't go away until you see an emergency dentist.

Broken braces

Try to push the broken wire into a more comfortable position and to prevent swallowing. 


How to Stay Away from a Dental Crisis

  • Put on a mouth guard if you're going to play sports. During different physical endeavours, a lot of dental crises occur. Wear a mouthguard if you take part in any type of sport.

  • Keep an eye on what you eat. Chipping on a tooth can be caused by biting and chewing on particularly hard foods. Ice, popcorn kernels, and hard sweets should not be chewed. You should also avoid chewing on pens or other harsh items that might cause damage to your teeth. By avoiding this, your chances of having a dental emergency are greatly reduced.


  • You should not cut or open items with your teeth. To open packages of food or other things, people often use their teeth. Using your teeth to open or cut objects, even if it appears to be innocuous, might result in a serious injury that needs the assistance of an emergency dentist. Instead of cutting or opening items with your teeth, you should always try to use scissors.

  • Maintaining good oral hygiene and seeing your dentist regularly is the best way to avoid dental crises.

  • If you have a dental emergency, rinse your mouth to remove any apparent debris and place the fractured tooth in a container of milk or saliva until you can visit a dentist.

  • To assist with any bleeding from the tooth socket, apply a cold compress.


 It's critical to distinguish between a routine dental issue that can wait until the morning and a true emergency that could harm your health or result in the loss of a tooth. Therefore delaying dental emergencies might end up causing more damage than good. It is important to immediately contact and consults your dentist. 


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