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Things to remember when buying toys for babies

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Are you building a nursery for your baby? Wondering what toys to place around? Here are things to remember when buying toys for infants.

Allows them to explore

In the initial years, you cannot teach children much with books as they do not develop the reading skills. But you can work on improving their cognitive function with toys that motivates them to explore. Toys keep kids entertained, but they also learn while playing with them. For instance, stacking toys help children understand shapes and sizes. They keep trying until all pieces of the stack are in order. You can find several such toys for 1-year-old online.

Sparks their imagination

Focus on developing a creative mindset for your child from a young age. You need not buy several toys for them. A single toy can be used in different ways. Your little one should use their imaginative powers and discover that. You could give them something as simple as building blocks and look at their magical creation.

Encourages them to be active

As your baby grows, they must learn to walk and be active. The most natural way to encourage them to be active is by playing. While being excited to play with new toys, your kid learns to stand up, walk, and play with them.

Things to remember when buying toys

  • Make a note of their age while buying the toys. It is a waste if you pick a toy for your child that’s beyond their physical and mental development.
  • Read the warning labels carefully, especially when buying toys for babies 0-3 months. Infants in this phase are typically teething. They use almost anything and everything as their teether. Avoid buying toys having sharp edges.
  • Size is a factor when buying toys. If the toy is too big, the baby cannot hold it and end up hurting themselves.
  • If you buy riding toys like horses, ensure they are strong and stable. It should have a solid safety harness, so the baby does not fall when riding it.

Do not miss out on these points when buying toys for 12 to 24 months. You should also avoid buying expensive toys. Your child may get bored or break it after playing with it a few times. Opt for sustainable toys that can be used in different ways. 



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