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A CDR Report requires you to include some documents. Without these documents, your report will be incomplete. Aside from that, the assessment authority, Engineers Australia will also reject your CDR. Therefore, knowing these documents and how to prepare them is a must for you.

A CDR consists of five documents. These documents are 3 Career Episodes, 1 Continuing Professional Development (CPD) and 1 Summary statement. Let’s know about each one of them, and how to prepare them in detail.

Career Episodes:

By means of the career episode, you can show your engineering knowledge, aptitude and competency. The three career episodes you prepare will include 3 project cases and elements of your engineering careers. The engineering projects you need to write can be from your work experience, academics, internship and workshop you attended.

The following is the EA-recommended format to write your career episodes:

1. The introduction should be nearly 100 words long. It should consist of the project’s dates and duration, the place where it happened and the organization’s name. You also need to write your role in this project.

2. The background portion needs to between 200 and 500 words. In this section, you need to discuss the context of what you were working on. It’s wise to take CDR Help if having any confusion here.

3. In the Personal Engineering Activity section, you need to give a description of the actual work you did. It should consist of nearly 500 to 1000 words. Here, you must ensure that you mention all the difficulties you had and how you dealt with them.

4. In the last, you need to compose a summary for your career episode. Here, you need to emphasize all the engineering-related skills you showed in that narrative.

Continuing Professional Development:

Continuing Professional Development (CPD) plays a huge role in enhancing the quality of your CDR report. Therefore, you should take CDR Writing Help if you can’t prepare it on your own. Here, you describe the maintenance of your existing engineering knowledge and abilities. You need to write your CPD in a table format, and include the below-given information:

1. Formal post-graduate education

2. Short courses, workshops, discussion groups, technical inspections, seminars and technical meetings

3. Conference participation or paper presentation

4. Journals, manuals, books and other publications are examples of engineering service (voluntary labour, board or committee volunteering, mentorship and the like)

5. Conference, course, seminar and symposia material preparation and presentation

Summary Statement:

Professional Engineers Australia’s Summary Statement is just 1 page long. It is about three career episodes you submitted to the assessment authority. The summary statement includes the competency components you claimed. Besides that, it will also show how and where you are employed and attained those elements throughout your professional episodes. This part of the CDR report is built using information from your school and workplace.

Here, you need to evaluate whether you have shown all the competency components for the chosen occupation category or not. Everything here should be the way shown by the ANZSCO code. You need to include cross-references to the paragraphs you wrote for all career episodes in the summary statement. It’s a must to combine all three summary statements into one when you submit it to the assessment authority.

You must format it in a tabular manner as per Engineers Australia. Besides that, you need to include a list of all competency units and elements. Don’t forget to give a well-written description of how you use them. You also need to describe a link to the related paragraph in the career episode. When you draft the summary statement, include all the related skills and expertise. Aside from that, link all these things to the paragraphs in the career episodes. Taking CDR Report Help is prudent if you are confused here.

Other important documents you need to submit with your CDR report:

The following are the documents you need to submit along with your report:

1. Copy of your resume or CV, both original and scanned.

2. The necessary ID documents like a recent passport (page including photo and name).

3. English language test score sheet (TOEFL, IELTS or PEARSON PTE).

4. Collection of all official academic degree certificates.

5. Original scans of any confirmation, promotion or experience letters from your prior organization’s managers/supervisors.

6. Certificate of Professional Registration (if applicable).

7. Name change documentation (if applicable).

8. Where applicable, official English language translations of the aforementioned papers.

9. Scanned copies of your payslips, tax returns and bank accounts to prove your salary claims.





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