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I have always loved travelling and moving from country to country. A few years ago I moved from England to Spain and thanks to this move I have enjoyed lots of sun, sea, and paella. Moving countries opens up a whole new world of opportunity, allowing us to meet new people, experience new cultures, and expand our horizons!

Recently I was chatting with a friend about which countries we would like to move to one day, and they were telling me about Australia! I immediately thought of hot weather, spiders, and other creepy crawlies. “Why would I want to move to Australia?” I said to my friend! She laughed and said that actually, it was a wonderful country with many benefits to becoming a citizen there! This intrigued me, and I decided to do a little research…

I was surprised to discover a vast list of attractive benefits of moving to Australia! And I thought, why not list them all here, in case you are wondering which country to move to as well.

So here’s a rundown of some of the best reasons to move to Australia that I discovered. I hope you find it helpful! And who knows, I might find myself applying for citizenship in Australia one day too…

Relaxed Lifestyle

One of the most appealing reasons in my eyes for moving to Australia is the laid-back lifestyle! In Australia, many people choose to prioritise relaxation over working. Yes, everyone works hard, don’t get me wrong! But enjoying life and spending time with friends and family is always more important. That’s exactly how I think life should be!

They enjoy warm evenings spent at the beach, park or having an iconic Australian ‘barbie’! Their well-balanced lifestyle is extremely inviting…


If you come from a cooler country like me, another enormous plus side to moving to Australia will definitely be the warm weather! When living in the UK, I am cold most of the year. So the idea of sunny weather all year round is especially appealing to me!

In addition, the well-balanced, relaxed Australian lifestyle is 100 times better because of their mild winters and warm summers. With consistently good weather, you can spend more time enjoying the great outdoors!

For proof of how toasty their weather is, check out this annual report from the Australian Bureau of Meteorology.


Australia is also well-known for its excellent, high-quality education system. Because of this, they are on the list of the top ten best countries for studying abroad!

There are various schools and universities to choose from in Australia, and their degrees are recognised in many countries. The education system is also available to migrant students, so if you decide to move to Australia, you can enjoy the benefits of their outstanding education!

Career Options

Australia is a financially stable country, with a multitude of career options for both locals and migrants! In addition, their economy is continually growing, making room for more jobs. So if you are looking to find a well-paid and rewarding job, moving to Australia could be the right move for you!


Another factor that makes Australia a great place to live is how safe it is! Australia is both a safe place to visit and live. Of course, we all need to be sensible and take necessary safety precautions no matter where we live! But in general, Australia has a very low crime rate and a stable political system, resulting in a peaceful and safe country to live in.

Excellent Healthcare

The comprehensive healthcare system in Australia is incredible! It covers your medical bills and hospital stays in public hospitals. This healthcare cover is only available to citizens, but you can benefit from them if you apply for citizenship in Australia too!


Australia will be heaven for you if you're a sports fan! They have cricket, football, and rugby. They also host famous sporting events like the Australian Open and Melbourne Grand Prix.

Or if water sports are more your style, like me, then hit up the beach for some surfing, body boarding, kayaking, or jet skiing!

The Coffee!

Do you love coffee? If you said ‘YES!’ then you will love Australia! They have coffee shops on every corner, with a fine selection of delicious coffee varieties for you to indulge in.

Australians love their coffee. They have over 20,000 high-quality coffee shops to choose from, and Canberra alone has more good coffee stops than Manhattan!!

So, relaxing at a cafe by the beach, drenched in the sun, drinking delicious, high-quality coffee? Sign me up!

Migration System

After reading all these great reasons to move to Australia, it’s no surprise that they receive so many immigrants! And because of this, their migration system is exceptionally well organised and can process around 200,000 immigrants every year!

If you have been a resident in Australia for long enough, you can then apply for citizenship, depending on the visa you have. Once you are a citizen, you will have access to even more benefits of the Australian system, including healthcare.

However, the migration process is, of course, extensive and involves a lot of documents, just as any other country would require. So if you are thinking of applying for citizenship in Australia, you might need to get some help from someone who knows the system well, like a professional migration agent.

Quality of Life

The migration process will all be worth it to experience the high quality of life that living in Australia provides. When I am writing this blog post, Australia ranks number 5 on the global quality of life index!

In Australia, cities are spread out, leaving lots of space and room to breathe.  There is also heavy importance placed on green spaces in each city and town. The prevalence of nature and these green spaces also results in excellent air quality!

Final Thoughts

With glorious and stable weather, lots of places for outdoor recreation, good coffee, safety and finical security, what’s not to love about Australia?

All these reasons have definitely changed my opinion completely, and I hope that this research has been useful to you as well. Applying for Australian citizenship is undoubtedly an excellent decision for anyone who has the circumstances to do it.

And who knows, maybe we’ll meet in Australia one day!


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