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Technology has always been the key to upgrading services. It can take services to the next level by enhancing user-friendliness and efficacy. Likewise, the introduction of technology in the insurance world turned out to be splendid. In early 2010, the insurance world got introduced to something new that ensured an elevated experience for both customers and insurance providers. It was the first time businesses & customers came across Insurance Technology (Insurtech) companies

Six years since the introduction of Insurtech, companies like Igloo came into existence. Whether it is personal accident insurance Philippines, motor insurance, cyber security and more, companies like Igloo have made their mark. They have been working under a simple vision: To provide honest and simple insurance for all. Traditionally, the process of buying insurance is a cumbersome affair. For instance, one has to contact an insurance broker, consult with them, and they will then recommend the best options. This can be time-consuming and confusing for many. With Igloo, insurance companies can shorten and ease the process, bringing convenience for the business and its customers. A few of ways Igloo has differentiated themselves in the Insurtech space are as follows:

1. Building Insurance Products: Igloo collaborates with other insurance companies to build insurance products. For example, to calculate the right premium amount for personal accident insurance Singapore, these companies require proper detailed insights. Igloo helps develop products that can gather the relevant data about consumers. Therefore, services from Igloo definitely come in handy as such companies can get advanced technological solutions that cater to all.

2. Making Insurance Simple: Igloo works with integrated technology and knows how to deliver it well. It assists insurance companies in managing insurance products with the help of cutting-edge technology. The company develops advanced products and technology according to the insurance company's expectations. All they need to do is give them a platform.

3. Differentiated Products: The personal accident insurance Malaysia and other insurance products developed by Igloo provide more clarity to end users. The company focuses on a customer-friendly user experience and as a result, is able to develop something that serves customers well. For example, Igloo’s personal accident insurance services are highly configurable and customizable as per the customer’s needs. These products make the purchasing and claiming processes hassle-free for customers. They are fast and completely digitized. On top of that, Igloo provides advanced analytics support to insurance companies. Hence, Igloo ensures quality service is delivered to their customers.

For more information, visit https://iglooinsure.com/

Original source: https://bityl.co/CaQZ