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A tier 5 charity worker visa (formerly known as the temporary work scheme) allows you to come to the UK and do voluntary fieldwork for your sponsor organisation. The work must be directly related to the charity's aims, and you must not do any paid or permanent employment in the UK during your stay.


The costs associated with tier 5 charity worker visas are relatively low, and can be a good choice for those who want to come to the UK for temporary unpaid work. The fees charged vary between individuals, depending on their nationality, the type of visa they are applying for and other circumstances relating to their employer or sponsor.

Applicants must have sufficient funds to support themselves while they are in the UK, and will need to have held PS945 in their bank account for at least 90 days before applying. These savings can be made up of money saved in their home country, or from donations or other sources.

They must also be sponsored by a registered organisation that has licensed them to work in the UK. This can be a charity, university, higher education institution or a government department.

In addition to the cost of the application, workers will also be liable to pay an Immigration Health Surcharge, which is similar to the fee that is charged for their family members. This is payable in addition to the visa application fee, and is calculated based on the length of time the worker spends in the UK.

There is also a fee for issuing the Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) that workers will need to use when applying for their visas. This is PS199 for a small or charitable sponsor, and PS21 for larger organisations.

The CoS will also need to include information about the role the worker is attempting to fulfill in the UK, as well as their salary and any other relevant details. This information helps the Government to assess the skills and experience that the applicant has, and whether their proposed position is a suitable match for the UK’s needs.

In addition to the CoS, charity workers will need to show evidence that they can meet the basic living costs required by the tier 5 visa route, including food, clothing and travel. This will involve having enough money to support themselves, which is around PS1,270 per month, and will need to be saved before they arrive in the UK.


The tier 5 charity worker visa is for people who are coming to the UK to do unpaid work for a registered charitable organisation. This visa allows for a stay of 12 months, or the time given on your Certificate of Sponsorship (CoS) plus 14 days, whichever is shorter. However, if you want to stay longer than this or do paid work, then consider one of the other work visas.

The criteria for this visa are very different to those of most other types of visa, and so it’s important to understand them before submitting an application. This means that entrants should not only have a clear understanding of the specific field they’re volunteering in, but also have a firm plan in place for their maintenance and accommodation whilst in the UK.

Applicants are required to provide proof that they can meet this requirement. This is achieved through the submission of a certificate of sponsorship, issued by the organisation or charity that is sponsoring them. This must state that the organisation will certify their maintenance and will not claim benefits from the government during their period of leave.

In addition, it is also essential for applicants to show that they have at least PS945 in personal savings. This should have been held for at least a 90-day period prior to their application, and should be in a safe location.

Other requirements of the tier 5 charity worker visa include being able to prove that you can get to and from the UK, that your work will be of benefit to the country, that your sponsor is responsible for your maintenance, and that you do not have a record of recent or serious criminal convictions or immigration violations. In some cases, these may be waived if your sponsor can vouch for you.

The tier 5 charity worker visa is a useful option for those who want to do unpaid voluntary work in the UK, and it’s important to remember that this type of work must be temporary and involve no remuneration. This means that it’s vital to ensure that you have a proper plan in place for your maintenance and accommodation while in the UK, as you won’t be receiving any form of income.


The tier 5 charity worker visa is a complex beast to navigate. It involves multiple layers of bureaucracy and a lot of legwork on your part.

If you’re lucky enough to be selected, your visa will last up to 12 months or the time of your certificate of sponsorship plus 28 days, whichever is shorter. You’re also allowed to bring your dependants with you.

There are several different types of tier 5 charity worker visas to choose from, including the Seasonal Worker, Government Authorised Exchange and International Agreement. You can even extend your visa from within the UK.

At United Solicitors we specialise in helping our clients find the most appropriate tier 5 charity worker visa to suit their individual needs. We offer a full assistance service that will see you through the process and beyond. We’re also happy to advise on how to save money on your visa, if you’re looking to make your money go further.

We are here to answer any questions you have, or you can use our contact form to get in touch. We look forward to hearing from you!


If you are a non-EEA national and you are coming to the UK to do voluntary work for a charity, you can apply for a tier 5 charity worker visa. This type of visa is available if your employer has a certificate of sponsorship from a charity licensed by the Home Office. This can allow you to stay in the UK for up to 12 months or the period on your certificate of sponsorship plus 14 days, whichever is shorter.

You can also apply to extend your visa if you wish to stay longer in the UK. However, you should apply before your current visa expires and it is best to include any dependants who you have brought with you in the application, as their visas will also need to be extended.

To qualify for a tier 5 charity worker visa you need to have a job offer from a licensed sponsor (an organisation running an approved exchange scheme, a higher education institution, if you are a sponsored researcher or visiting academic, or a government department or agency). You must be able to prove that your training and research relate to your sponsor’s work.

In addition to the job offer, you must show that you have sufficient funds to support yourself during your time in the UK. This is to ensure that you do not enter the UK without adequate money to pay for your food, transport and accommodation during your stay. You must have a minimum of PS945 in savings, although this can be waived if you are employed by a fully approved (‘A rated') sponsor who will guarantee your maintenance on your certificate of sponsorship.

If you do not have the funds required to satisfy the visa requirements, you can apply for an administrative review of your visa. This is a fast and simple way to get your application approved, but it may cost you an additional PS500.

Applicants can also apply for a “change of employment” if they are coming to the UK under a different category of visa and want to change their working role within the same organisation or to another organization in the same industry. This will require a new certificate of sponsorship, and again, you must satisfy the all important maintenance requirement.

Visit Website: https://www.united-solicitors.co.uk/work-visas



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