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Tips and Ground Wires  

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Home lights that flicker should be regarded seriously. While there are a number of minor reasons of flickering lights, such as loose light bulbs or faulty dimmer switches, flickering household lights may be the only indication of significant electrical problems that can cause fires, fatal electrical shocks, or damage to household appliances. Always explore flickering lights, and if a loose bulb or faulty dimmer switch has been ruled out, it's time to call an electrician Brighton to fix additional potential electrical problems before they pose a hazard to your family. 

Using the Incorrect Lamp Wattage 

Fortunately, this source of flickering lights is simple to remedy, but it should not be neglected. Using the incorrect bulb wattage in a light fixture is a fire hazard and can result in dangerously blown bulbs or electrical shocks. Always check the recommended bulb wattage on the light fixture you are using. 

Manufacturers must include wattage information on all light fixtures. Ensure the light switch is off or the lamp is disconnected before requesting the recommended wattage. Here are some potential locations: 

  • Within the lamp socket 
  • On the bottom of ceiling light bases, beneath the cover 
  • On the side of the lamp holder 
  • In the instruction booklet or on the package of the light fixtures 

Overloaded Wiring In Your Residence 

A circuit overload is a common source of flickering lights and other electrical problems in the home. When you turn on a single electrical item, such as a toaster, and the lights begin to flicker as a result, this is an indication of an overloaded circuit. This indicates that the energy necessary to power both devices is insufficient, and the instability is generating several small power outages. This requires the attention of an electrician because it can cause damage to your electrical appliances, dangerous house fires, or electrical shocks. 

Sudden Voltage Changes 

Persistent flickering lights may indicate a significant electrical problem that is causing voltage fluctuations. A 120-volt circuit in a normal home should not fluctuate by more than 5 volts in each direction. Possible causes of unexpected voltage fluctuations in your home, resulting in flickering lights, include: 

  • defective or loose wiring in the residence 
  • There are issues with the utility connection. 
  • Your system has corroded connections 
  • faulty or improperly placed electrical outlets 
  • Arcing 

Arcing is one of the more serious causes of your flickering lights. Arcing occurs when an electrical current leaps from one connection to another, producing a “arc” of uninsulated, unfiltered energy. Electrical arches are incredibly hazardous and can inflict fatal electric shocks. Arcing can occur in homes because to an overloaded circuit, a damaged electrical panel, or exposed electrical wire. These are indicators of electrical arcing: 

  • Suddenly occurring crackling or buzzing when lights or appliances are activated 
  • Luminous flashes emanating from an electrical outlet. 
  • Flickering Lights prior to unexpected light bulb failure 

Are the Lights in Your Home Flickering? It's Time to Consult an Expert. 

If you've eliminated loose light bulbs, incorrect wattage, and faulty dimmer switches, and your home's lights still flicker, it's time to call an electrician!