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Infertility affects millions of couples around the world. It is the inability of a couple to conceive after trying for a year or more without success. This can be a painful and frustrating experience for those who want to start a family.

In the past, infertility was seen as a problem that only affected women. Today, we know that both men and women can struggle with infertility. Infertility can be caused by a variety of factors, including medical conditions, genetics, lifestyle choices, and environmental factors. Sai Fertility Center & Hospital, is the top hospitals in Chengalpattu, to treat Infertility problems both men & women.

Medical Conditions:

Medical conditions that affect fertility in men and women range from hormonal imbalances, polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), endometriosis, and sexually transmitted infections. If you suspect that a medical condition is causing infertility, it’s important to seek medical help.


Genetics can play a role in infertility. Chromosome abnormalities, for example, can impact the development of the reproductive organs and lead to infertility. Genetic testing can help identify underlying issues that could affect fertility in men and women.

Lifestyle Choices:

Lifestyle choices such as smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, drug use, and lack of exercise can all have a negative impact on fertility. Your chances of getting pregnant might be increased by leading a healthy lifestyle.

Environmental Factors:

Environmental factors such as exposure to toxins and pollutants can also impact fertility. Exposure to chemicals, radiation, and excessive heat can be harmful to reproductive organs.

Infertility can be treated through medication, surgery, or Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) such as in-vitro fertilization (IVF). If you are struggling with infertility, it’s important to seek help from our qualified medical professional, Dr A M Indira, a Fertility Specialist, at Sai Fertility Centre & the best hospital in chennai. They have the best specialties in obstetrics and gynecology, as well as the best in fertility.

Infertility can be emotionally and financially draining for those who experience it. It’s important to seek support from family and friends, as well as fertility support groups. While infertility can be a challenging experience, it’s important to know that there are treatment options available and that you are not alone.

More details: Call Us: (+91) 9100096000 Email US: care@saimultispeciality.com